I saw my trainer today and he had me do legs cause yesterday when I went by myself I did chest.

I did leg press starting at 270 lbs and ended with 450 lbs. That last round was difficult af.

I also did one leg deadlift starting with 25 lbs dumbbell and ended with 35 lbs.

I ended with leg curl & leg extension.

If you didn’t go today, what workouts do you usually do?

  1. Me. Arms and legs. Leg extensions/ curls. Arm curls. Tricep push downs. Tricep machine. Elliptical. Hammer curls. I think that’s about it

  2. Yeah today was upper body day, had a very enjoyable workout today and i can’t place exactly why, mostly all of the time i just hate going to the gym but today was pretty good.

  3. I started with 3 donuts and a coffee as a warm up, then I did 4 reps of “suprema de pollo”, did 3 sets of CocaCola, some reps of “mate dulce” and “torta frita” for cardio, and finished with burgers and potatoes to relax the rutine. Hope you like it

  4. I did a lot of Chad-din. 😎 That involve many reps of looking at my self in the mirror and of course marking sure the ladies saw my awesomeness with every flex.

  5. Doing PT on a shoulder injury, so I did my rotator cuff exercises with bands. Then I went to the gym, walked 10 minutes on the treadmill, did rows, lat pulldowns, shoulder press, then chest press (which didn’t feel right), so I stretched some and walked 10 more minutes on the treadmill. And went home.

    Wanted to do more.

  6. 1H Chest,shoulders and Triceps
    45 min of stretching/Yoga
    30 min cardio
    25 min of kicks and punch drills
    I do a lot daily as a martial artist. But it’s worth it.

  7. I have 7 page excel doc; each workout has a push, pull, and a leg. I do alternate days. Some moments are 5×5, bigger-faster-strongers AMRAP program, some 5×12, and 30×1 for bench and OHP. Goal is be done in an hour in a slow gym

  8. Every other day, I workout what isn’t sore and do HIIT.

    Then I do speed training and weighted shadowboxing.

  9. Pull-up, dips. Shoulder presses, chest press, pec flys, rear delts flys, mid rows, lower back extensions, legs curls, hamstring extensions, preacher curls, hammer curls, tricep extensions, calf raises and hip adductions.

    Pretty much a full body workout today

  10. Full body split. Barbell reverse lunges, barbell bench press, lat pulldowns and bent over rows, lateral raises and band pull aparts, db skull crushers, ez bar curls, knee raises with a db

  11. Run 5k. Then cooldown by alternating 5 pullups or 10 pushups every .10mi for 2 miles after that.

  12. I do a PPL split and today was a lat-focused pull day, consisting of:

    One-arm cable high pulls (more of a lat activation warmup)

    Neutral grip Lat Pulldowns

    Straight arm Cable lat pull

    Assisted Pull-up machine (w/ straps)

    Seated incline db curls

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