I (17F ) need advice because I know it’s my issue I feel like this and I don’t know what to do anymore. My LDR Bf, has met this girl, we’ll call her N, recently. While we have been dating for almost a year, he and her have only started hanging out in november. They do everything together, they post together, go to class together hang every weekend etc (with other people not just 1 on 1). At first, it wasn’t a problem, until I saw their messages and how she texted him in something that felt like a “more-than-a-friend” way, whilst he kept it friendly I guess. This has made me VERY uncomfortable and he knows. More issues would be that we can only call on the weekends, however, he chooses to go out with her and other firends until very late and I often end up upset and don’t want to call him anymore… I really don’t know what to do, she makes me miserable and very insecure and I want some advice because I recognize this stems from my overthinking.

She has texted me saying she loves us and our relationship despite the fact she and her have never met, which I find unsettling, and she has these cute pet names for him and keeps talking about how we “are just SOOO cute together” etc. It really makes me uncomfortable. I have grown to resent her and its not even her fault and I am very angry that I feel this way about her. I’ve never had an issue with any of his other friends.

Any advice?
TL;DR: I hate my boyfriends best friend and need some advice on how to manage this.

1 comment
  1. If you’ve let your boyfriend know this makes you uncomfortable and he still refuses to set a boundary with her, then I would end the relationship. I know that sounds hard and scary but if he cared about you he wouldn’t let you feel uncomfortable about any other woman in his life. He doesn’t even have to end the friendship, he could tell her not to call him pet names, he could take extra time to call you instead of only on weekends, he could tell her not to text or be all up close and personal with him, but he isn’t. He’s disrespecting you and your feelings. She knows what she’s doing too. You have to take care of yourself and put yourself first. Find someone who truly cares and you’ll see a stark difference between how you’re being treated now and how you should’ve been treated all along. You’ll feel so much better I promise. It’s hard at first but there comes a day, undoubtedly, when you look back and realize you’re SO glad you got away from that and did better for yourself. Being alone is even better than what you’re dealing with currently. I’m always here if you need to talk.

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