I just wanted to see people’s opinions on this. I have been dating a woman for 18months. We are quite serious but do not live together. I have not met her child.

She told me the other day that she would like to go on vacation with her son and ex husband. The reason for going with the ex is because she wants her son to have a good time and not be bored with just his mother. She suggested he could take a friend but then declared that she would then not have a good time as she would be essentially by herself.

So in reality as far as I see it she is going with her ex so she has company.

I’m not happy with this at all and feel it is really disrespectful. Divorce is hard and affects the family. This being one of those occasions. It looks like she wants her cake and eat it.

I can’t see it anyway appropriate to be with someone but then go on vacation with your ex just so you have some company. I’m also divorced with kids and would never even consider that an option.

Maybe I am out of touch or missing something.

  1. Bored with just his mother? That’s a very odd line of thinking, especially if the kid hasn’t been asking if dad can come.

    Sounds fishy to me. Could also be nothing. Hard to say without knowing them.

    How much does she interact with her ex normally? How old is the kid? 18 months is a long time without at least meeting them.

  2. Plenty of separated parents do this. Or still have family meals or Christmas together. It’s not usually about being bored but about co parenting in the best interests of the child. They’ve split. They’re not there for each other. I can understand it getting awkward if an extra adult tagged along. Some exes remain friends without there being any other personal interest. If it benefits the child I don’t see the problem.

  3. I just think if she chose to divorce him then unfortunately there is a price to pay. Cosy family holidays together for example are something that they should of done while married not after when she is with someone else.

  4. Trust your gut. Run. I’m a former single mom and this is absurd! Not too mention disrespectful to you.

  5. >but then declared that she would then not have a good time as she would be essentially by herself.

    >So in reality as far as I see it she is going with her ex so she has company

    That is a massive red flag…her having company on a trip has nothing to do with her son and his benefit…it’s purely selfish

    >I’m not happy with this at all and feel it is really disrespectful

    Trust your instincts, they are correct

    > I’m also divorced with kids and would never even consider that an option.

    So it has nothing to do with the circumstances involved, it’s purely because she wants to go on a vacation with her ex.

    >Maybe I am out of touch or missing something.

    You aren’t, anyone telling you that you are wrong for feeling this way is the out of touch one.

  6. 34F divorced mom here. I would be ok with this in the future if we BOTH brought our significant others.

  7. 18 months and you haven’t met her child?

    You should have been out of there about a year ago pal, sorry.

  8. seems suspicious.

    Maybe she’s still banging her ex.

    Maybe she never divorced.

    You should run. She is not for you.

  9. This is something my family would do. For some reason there’s a lot of happily divorced people in the old family tree. I have an aunt who’s best friends with her ex husband. I grew up thinking she was a lesbian but turns out she’s bi and they are seriously just friends and hang out all the time?? I could totally see them taking vacations together with their kids while a current partner stayed home.

    My own dad got along great with his ex and had her and her new husband over on Fridays for my whole childhood. It seems like you guys just have different outlooks. I personally can’t see myself acting like your partner, but that doesn’t mean she’s wrong. After growing up in my family I know people are actually like this and not hiding secret feelings.

    The best way to approach this is asking her to change the plans as a favor to you. Stop trying to invalidate her whole perspective because the more disrespect you show her, the worse your relationship will be. If she isn’t going to adjust because of your feelings, you’ll need to consider if you’d rather be single.

  10. nope, you did not miss anything. Get out of that relationship if she goes on vacation with her ex. that’s so absurd

  11. Nothing wrong with divorced parents taking their children on vacation together. Loads of parents do this. It is good for the children to have the experience with their parents and good for the parents to have the experience with their children. Question is do you trust the person you’re dating. Dating a parent can be very difficult especially when they get along with their ex.

  12. I would say no and if there is any pushback that relationship is done.

    Sadly, I heard enough of these types of stories which led me to stay away from divorced individuals while dating. There is enough craziness to deal with.

  13. 18 months and she hasn’t let you meet him? And she wants to go with her ex? I’d stop all contact with her. This is so disrespectful to you. Just make it clear that she can go have fun but the second she leaves you 2 are done.

  14. It sounds more like shes not actually divorced… and you’re her sidepiece 🤨🤔 like she’s trying to explain away the vacation with her family before you discover it, and expose her to her husband… but idk the whole picture so who knows. Either way, this is not normal, lol.

  15. Hard pass. Get rid of her now.

    If a partner even suggested such a thing I would send them on their way. The fact that they are even entertaining such a thing defies logic and reason. And to try to pass it off as normal just screams that they had some serious boundary issues.

  16. Wake up my dude. That’s really bad news for you and this is extremely disrespectful. I think at this point, regardless of whether she actually does it or not, it probably is a sign you should run: Even if she doesn’t end up doing it, the fact that she wanted to is enough.

    And yes. If she goes on vacation with her ex, they’re going to fuck.

  17. I actually got cheated on this exact way, ex said she was going to with babies daddy and his family, semi ghosts me, I call her he picks up and right there I found out.

    No woman who loves and respects and cares for you… heck much less even likes you, is going on vacation with their ex, break it up right now before you get hurt.

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