For instance, that people from Wyoming are very intelligent? In Europe, we have a saying that people from Germany are very intelligent. And also Scandinavians/Nordics – but this is relatively recent.

  1. I don’t think any state has any particular stereotype for its residents being inherently intelligent, no.

    >Germans are very intelligent

    Started by the Germans, no doubt.

  2. Particularly, state is intelligent we say, but the man of the Florida man is not of the intelligent so therefore, there is no saying.

  3. No. MA is known to be well educated. We have states that we call stupid. Seeing someone call Wyomingites intelligent even as an example is pretty funny.

  4. Sadly, I think the more common stereotype is about states and regions where people are supposedly *not* intelligent. The South and the Midwest most often bear the brunt of this stereotype.

    If the stereotype is about smartest states, then I guess California and Massachussets (and the Northeast in general) may be seen as such, thanks to the high amount of prestigious universities (such as Harvard, MIT, Stanford, and UC Berkeley) and tech companies in these places.

  5. Not that I can think of.

    Their are stereotypes that people from certain regions are unintelligent.

  6. >Do you have a saying that people from particular state are very intelligent?

    No. Usually our statewide stereotypes are negative or at best neutral.

  7. > In Europe, we have a saying that people from Germany are very intelligent.

    But that only works until you actually talk to a German.

  8. We tend to have sayings of residents of particular states being stupid or insane. For instance, the Florida Man meme. Another is referring to California as “The Land of Fruits and Nuts”. This is a double entendre that refers to California harboring a lot of insane politicians, bureaucrats, policies, and laws. The agricultural meaning is objectively true: a lot of fruits and nuts are grown there. This goes further with referring to the capitol of California (Sacramento) as “sack-of-tomatoes”.

  9. Massachusetts is known for being highly educated and academic.

    But if I’m being totally honest, our stereotype is more that particular ethnicities are very intelligent. We stereotype East Asian Americans and South Asian Americans as being very studious and smart, especially in STEM fields. To a lesser extent, that stereotype also exists about Jewish Americans.

  10. No. We have pockets of academia and industry throughout the US that feature very intelligent people. As an example, North Carolina may seem backwards in some ways, but also has the research triangle and two elite universities. Wisconsin has incredible innovation in Madison and remarkable engineering talent in Green Bay. People are mobile in the US.

    I don’t think this is a thing in Europe, either. I work extensively in Europe and have never heard anyone suggest that “Germans are more intelligent.” Industrious, yes. A single newspaper article purportedly measuring IQ is a single data point but the Dutch, Nords, Eastern Europeans all are known for high intelligence. And intelligence is more than IQ.

  11. Not really.

    Maybe the closest would be Massachusetts being a very well educated state. Partially due to having relatively high standards for public School curriculum but probably more largely for having so many colleges.

    Not that other states don’t have good colleges but Massachusetts just has so many and a disproportionate amount of the top tier ones.

    But I don’t think that usually translates to people saying Massachusetts natives are more intelligent. Especially cuz a lot of people from out of the state go there for college and then go back home.

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