Four months ago my ex broke up with me after 2+ years of relationship. We had our ups and downs, plans for the future, shared most intimate and vulnerable moments – but it still didn’t work out. Bad communication skills and few incompatibilities got in our way and that’s why we’re here.

It was hard and painful, but I managed to go through it and came out stronger than ever. I used all the grief as a source of power to work on myself.
Yet, I still didn’t manage to get over here COMPLETELY.

Recently I started dating girl that I like and enjoying her company. But the remorse started creeping in because I still, now and then, think of my ex. I’m not 100% over her and unsure if it’s right to give myself chance with the new girl.

What would be the way forward?

TL;DR: Started dating while still not completely over ex. Confused and unsure if I should give it a try.

  1. Think of it this way, is it fair to the girl you’re dating now to not be able to give her your all in this relationship?

    No, it’s not.

    You need to tell her what’s going on.
    She deserves to be with someone who wants to be with her completely.
    It’s a new thing so she likely isn’t too invested yet.

    And you need to take some time to get over your old relationship without dating.

  2. As long as you aren’t in contact with your ex and I think it’s fine to still be processing accepting your past. I think you should at least be upfront with her about how you are feeling so she can make her own informed decision if she wants to still date you right now or not.

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