My BF, 18 and me M18 have been dating 7 almost 8 months.
He bought his girl friend tickets to the theater which were like 100$, and now he found out that she probably has a crush on him, she’s been very much hinting at it he says and she also said they should act as if they are in love at the theater.

so, I am upset at him because I am not comfortable with him going there with her, if she feels that way tords him and says things like this.
He still is going, despite knowing how bad I feel about it, because of the money and wants to ask her at the theater if she has feelings for him instead of over text,
how do you guys feel about it, should I be more understanding and not upset?
PS, I cannot go with him, because we only see eachother once a month, he is BI.

BF going to theater with friend that has a crush on him says, they should act in love at the theater, won’t cancel cause tickets are paid knowing how it makes me feel.

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