I was seeing this girl for about a year. We were never exclusive. But she led me on. Every time we were spending time together, I felt genuinely happy. But there were also signs that I should’ve walked away earlier. My stupidity stopped me from doing that I supposed. Some people would call it love. She decided to walk away from my life at the end of last year.

Throughout the year that we were seeing each other, I got home some gifts. A couple of necklaces. Flowers. And a keychain with photos of us together.

After she left, i thought hard and realised that she had been using me. She lied to me multiple times and she led me on.

Now, would it be wrong of me to ask for those gifts back. As much as she said she did care about me, it’s hard to believe and I don’t feel like she deserves those gifts. What do you guys think?

  1. You don’t ask for gifts back. Ever. No matter what has transpired or the social setting.

  2. You don’t take back gifts, and unfortunately I think you have to learn to let go here.

    I think the only time it could be okay to ask for a gift you gave back would be maybe something that’s a family heirloom (but even then there’s no guarantee they’d give it back) — and I’m pretty sure in several places you can even legally ask for an engagement ring back if the engagement fails.

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