Last night I asked if he came inside me and his answer was “I don’t know”.

He’s said this before and every time I say…” how do you not know? You either did or you didn’t…” and he just says he doesn’t really know and that he “doesn’t think he did”.
Is this possible?
Is it possible for a man to not know if he came? Because I call bullshit.

During the sex, it seemed like he came, he got super sweaty and it felt really wet inside…but then when he pulled out he stayed hard and came again maybe 15 minutes later but the cum shot was very small.
When I asked why the cum shot was so small he said it was because I made him cum earlier (2 hours prior)

  1. If you were having unprotected marathon sex you definitely have cum inside you, whether or not he actually ejaculated. It’s possible he couldn’t tell if he came earlier, but I would bet he is lying. Just in case you didn’t know, pulling out doesn’t prevent disease or pregnancy.

  2. I can cum in 15 minutes after cumming before and I am 58. The first load especially if he hasn’t had sex or masturbated is always going to be the biggest because his balls are backed up. I don’t cum as much as I did when I was young but that is just my age, but the orgasm and intensity are still the same. I usually stay hard kiss my wife and just started fucking again. We are past the age where we worry about pregnancy so I always cum inside her.

    If you aren’t on the pill or using some form of birth control or he isn’t wrapping his rascal, then he is playing a dangerous game. Do you two want to have children? Have you discussed it? You both have to agree. Accidents do happen, but you both know when they do.

    Did he not pull out the first and just keep going is that why you think he came? You would still have cum inside you regardless. Or it would be on the sheets down between your legs.

    This doesn’t sound like a good guy. Something isn’t right.

  3. I didn’t know I was coming inside her I was totally high after we stopeed i was still hard. Totally didn’t know until I came down and realized it. so my take don’t do it with a guy who is high.

  4. Completely lying. He’s an EX for a reason right? Unless we’re drunk, high, or on something then we definitely know if we came or not. Better to stop talking to him, get a test just in case, and go from there.

  5. I’m not going to say “lying or not”, but I will say that physiologically it is very possible not to have an orgasm and yet still ejaculate (and the other way around), because orgasm and ejaculation are two separate processes. We just usually experience them at the same time.

    The reason that we don’t all walk around dripping cum (other than “pre-cum” from the cowper’s gland) is that we have “valves” (in simple terms) holding it back. Ejaculation occurs, again in simple terms, because our muscles contract and squeeze our glands, causing the pressure of the fluid inside of them (prostate and seminal vesicles) to become greater than the “valves” can hold back. That sudden release is why we cum with such force. Like how your garden hose sprayer has a big gush when you first open it and release the pressure in the hose. But, it is also absolutely possible for these “valves” to relax and allow fluid to pass without an orgasm. In that case, we might not be able to tell if you just creamed or we did.

  6. Def lying. He’s basically stealthing you. If that’s not OK with you, you gotta stop seeing him. He is not to be trusted.

  7. As a man I can say it is totally possible. Sometimes I don’t really know and I am confused myself.

  8. I don’t always know if I ejaculated or not. I have orgasms without ejaculating, so it’s honestly hard to tell sometimes

  9. My abusive ex husband did this to me. We had an 8 month old and although I was still breastfeeding SPECIFICALLY told him to pull out and that I was scared of getting knocked up again.

    8.5 months later I was giving birth again.

    Be careful. Some (fucked & twisted) men trap women too. It’s a way to control.. keep her barefoot and pregnant.

  10. He could be telling the truth.

    Joan Price has written several books about sex and aging. One of the issues she describes is a decline in the intensity of orgasm, which she attributes not to aging itself but rather to a decrease in blood oxygen levels due to living a more sedentary lifestyle. She advocates exercising, especially aerobic exercises, as a way to raise oxygen levels which will power stronger muscle contractions during orgasm which in turn makes them feel stronger.

    I looked into what Joan Price said because as I got older I also noticed a big drop in the intensity of my orgasms. It reached a point where when having sex with my gf for an extended period of time I would pull out thinking that I hadn’t orgasmed only to find ejaculate in my condom. Any sensation of orgasm was just lost among all the other sensations.

    Tantric sex educators also talk about the importance of oxygen, but they go about it a different way. They advocate deep breathing just before and during sex. One tantra educator I met likes to tell everyone “deep breathing will make your orgasms 10 times better”.

    Deep breathing did indeed improve the quality of my orgasms. They’re not as strong as they were in my youth when I was also jogging regularly (before I quit because of sore knees) but they are okay.

    I do suspect that the idea that it’s the stronger muscle contractions that make the difference isn’t the complete story. I think that neurons in the body and in the brain may also be firing more strongly, making for a stronger internal sensation of orgasm.

    OP, I strongly recommend that if you’re still in a relationship with this guy, you have a serious conversation with him about the quality of his orgasms and about what he hopes to get out of sex.

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