If you had the chance to do it all over, would you? What would you do the same & what would you change?

  1. I’m at a point, seriously, where I can look back on my life from about 19 years of age and forward and say, I would change a thing. Nothing. All of the horrendous bad and all of the good. I’ll take it all as it came. Now for pre-19……I had a horrible homelife growing up. I wish that was different.

  2. Can I go back in time to when I was young or do I get young “now” and have to start from here….

    I think that would change a lot of answers and could rule out “hindsight” for many things if it was the latter.

  3. Listen dude, all I wanna do is go back in time and convince younger me to invest in bitcoin back when it was a new thing.

  4. Started doing things like hash and weed at 14, ended up with me ditching a lot of school which I regret cos I got fairly ok results even with my complete lack commitment.

    Then was about 16 I started doing coke, ecstasy and pills along with going to bars an awful lot. In my 20s I got big into acid which I don’t regret it got me off of pills and coke and I started to appreciate my family more.

    Then late 20s I had a couple of tragedies and other stuff happen that got me back on pills and I’m now stuck on heroin. Basically I would go back and not do drugs.

  5. Other than investing my life is great considering I lived through 4 wars and a dead father I had the best possible outcome

    If there’s a God I know he got my back not like I’m doubting or anything

  6. Yes. I’d go back as far as 1977, just to take the ride again. What different? Other than Microsoft in 1986 and Apple in 1997? Get out of High School in 2 years, learn diesel mechanics, wander the world, and never, ever, ever get married.

  7. Yeah I guess, like most of these comments, I definitely should have put more effort into buying bitcoin. It was like 2013 and I tried to figure out how to buy one or two for a period of about 1-2 hours and then I gave up. I distinctly remember where I was and everything 🤦‍♂️

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