I do understand that he likes me because he has sent many hints like many. He would sometimes send me snaps of songs ( one time he even sent me a song which said i will ask for ur hands) and also of trees of flowers. He would ask ask me if i felt cold and need his jacket. He would send me his pictures sometimes ( appropriate ones obviously). I do understand that he means he likes me but is he expecting or wanting some kind of answer or relationship or is it just to get it off his chest? I personally cant/ dont want to be in a relationship currently.

tldr: Guy hints he likes me. Is he expecting some kind of answer/ relationship or is it just to get it off his chest?

  1. We don’t know him, so obviously can’t tell you what he’s expecting.

    But from a broad perspective, it’s odd to expect an answer when you’re not asking a question, so maybe he’s testing the waters, who knows exactly what he wants

  2. You don’t want a relationship. Fine. That’s probably something he has picked up on. He is being chivalrous and letting you know he likes you. He enjoys your friendship hopefully you enjoy his the same. If not let dude know it’s not timing it’s just not that you will be a couple.

  3. “Get it off his chest”? No. It doesn’t work like that.

    He wants it to go further. He wants you to like him back. Either make it clear that you’re not interested n anything more than friendship, or stop hanging out with him.

  4. > Guy hints he likes me. Is he expecting some kind of answer/ relationship or is it just to get it off his chest?

    He is actively trying to get you to be his girlfriend. He will continue to try to get you to be his girlfriend as long as you hang out with him, it just may shift to more subtle background attempts. Have you heard the term “friend zone”? This is the path you are on. You need to do one of two things, either try to date him (since you said you may like him), or cut him loose (since you said you don’t want a relationship). Don’t just keep him around as a friend. He doesn’t really want that, but he will probably take it to remain close o you so he can continue trying to get you to be his girlfriend, just more subtly.

  5. In the moment I think he was probably expecting an reply. Something like ” I feel the same way” or “that’s not how I see us”.

    He is currently stuck trying to figure out how to move forward with you and wanted to know if your reciprocate his feelings.

  6. Almost certainly, he’s hoping for similar signs of reciprocal interest from you, in order to work his way up to actually asking you out. That’s how flirting works, you like someone, you try to get a feel for whether they’re interested.

    You say you’ve already told him straight out that you’re not interested in him and not looking for a relationship in general, so he should have cut this out once you did that. On the other hand, you sound confused about exactly what you want yourself, so I can’t fault him too much for sharing that uncertainty. Depending on what he’s still doing, he may also just not want to stop being friendly as soon as you shoot him down, because then it looks like he’s only being nice as a means to an end.

    If you don’t want to date him but he seems to still be interested in you and that bothers you, it’s okay to take some distance. But his motives aren’t really mysterious here – you don’t need to overthink it too much.

  7. i would probably just start being a little less friendly with him to try to give him a hint and deny him if he ever asks you outright. it sounds like he’s selfishly trying to force you to do the confronting about this

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