men of Reddit, what do you do to restore your motivation to get things done?

  1. Develop discipline in life and not motivation. Motivation doesn’t stay life long but disciple does.

  2. I remember that I’m going to die one day and I will regret the things I was too lazy to do far more than the things that went wrong.

  3. Catastrophise, ie. make up terrible scenarios that might result from my laziness

    And make it a routine. Same time, same day

  4. Discipline and self motivation.

    Make a list on how you want to spend your day or the task you want to do and follow it. You might not be able to do it all for the first or second day but make sure you keep moving and increasing the number.

  5. I have a white board set up I have all my goals written out on. Looking at it every day reminds me of my tasks I’m trying to complete. If that doesn’t work I remind myself I have a son and he needs his father to be the best man he can be not just for myself but because I want my son to be strong, confident and disciplined as well and he’s going to learn that from my example.

  6. Start with small goals. Once you achieve those you will feel a momentum building up.
    Change you environment, make up your bed, organize thing in you workplace. Take back control of the things you can.

    Also, Winston Churchill’s speech always gets me up. (We shall never surrender)

  7. I hate to sound insensitive, but I just do it. I was raised to believe a man doesn’t make excuses and he does what he needs to do when it needs to be done.

  8. Motivation doesn’t work for me, I feel like is a illusion. I do things because it needs to be done.

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