Over the last few months I’ve encountered this guy who. Tbh makes me very uncomfortable for multiple reasons such as talking about porn all the time and being generally very weird towards me. I don’t know how to tell him to stop or how to cut him off though because I have horrible anxiety and bad confrontation skills. All my life I’ve had this issue and it’s gotten me into very dangerous situations I still go to therapy for. I don’t want this to be another situation where this grates on me for a long time. How do I say these things?

  1. I am also anxious and nonconfrontational. I have found texting to be helpful. You can say what you mean in a serious/flat tone and have evidence of the conversation. Your other option is to let it fester and then wait til he says something inappropriate one day and then just say “you know sometimes you say shit that makes me incredibly uncomfortable and I just wish you could read the room a little better to know when you’re being inappropriate.”

  2. That doesn’t require confrontation at all. As soon as he brings up something repulsive, just make a face and turn away. Remove yourself from his presence. There’s nothing to confront.


  3. It sounds like you’re past the ‘or I’ll cut him off’ point. You want this person to stop communicating with you but you are afraid of the retaliation this creep will CAN bring?

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