I just had a first meeting with someone I’m really excited to work with. It was painfully awkward. I was pitching them on a project. They started out by saying they saw my website and think my work is great. This caught me off guard and I proceeded to be awkward as f for the next half hour. In the end they said yes, but it was just so painful. I really want this to be a good collaboration where we share ideas openly, and hopefully leave the door open for future collaborations . As it stands, I just don’t see how that can happen if I’m this f-ing awkward.

Is there any way for me to recover the next time we meet? Do I say, “hey sorry I was so awkward” or just pretend nothing is awkward?

1 comment
  1. I would just address it next time you see them, and maybe make a light joke about it. Then compliment their work/express your excitement, and move on! You two will develop a more natural rapport as you get to know each other. Plus you have a structured project to work around, so you don’t have to worry about figuring out what to talk about/do. Also, the whole thing was probably not as awkward as you thought it was! im sure the other person was also primarily thinking about themselves & how they were coming off. (Especially since they’re already a fan of your work)

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