This person I have been friends with for years suddenly started slowly ghosting me a couple months ago. Almost never responds to texts now. How do I ask if shes ghosting me(I know shes ghosting me I just want the closure of her at least having the decency to say she doesnt want to be friends)

Edit: advise recieved. Ending contact

  1. …just make sure you don’t ask her, “are you *ghosting* me.”

    Ask her if everything is ok, because you’ve noticed something seems wrong. Try to talk to her in person, or at least over the phone/voice chat; text is the WORST medium to have a conversation like this with someone you care about.

    Keep what you say focused on how *you feel*. Don’t be accusatory. You might also want to think about whether you’ve done anything that could have upset or offended her.. and if you come up with nothing, you can try relaying that to her. “Idk if I’ve done something to upset you, but if I have, I really can’t think of what that might be…” Or if something does come to mind, “That thing I said a few months ago, did it upset you? Because I noticed you seemed like you were pulling away after that…”

  2. Just ask her “hey I didn’t get a response to my text/email dated _____. I know you have a lot on your plate. Can you just let me know you are OK, so I won’t bother you again?”. If she doesn’t respond, don’t bother with her again.

  3. Honestly if someone is ghosting you, they probably don’t have the decency to tell you the truth if you ask.

    I suspected a friend was going to abandon me after a better friend of hers transferred to my university. I suspected I was just a friend of convenience until the new buddy came. I asked her outright and said it was fine as long as she could just come clean about it and I could go about my life. No, she claimed I was crazy and we were close. Flash forward like two months later and voila, there it was, ghosting me and seeing the new friend on all her social media. I confronted her and she admitted she couldn’t tell the truth to my face, and then she blocked me on everything after.

    TLDR; don’t expect a confrontation to get you to the root of the problem

  4. I don’t think it’s common for people to say they don’t want to be friends with someone. It’s not like romantic relationships. People just drift apart.

  5. Just don’t reach out and let it go. If she doesn’t have the time any more then neither do you.

  6. Depends on how close you were with that friend. I’ve had one specific friend who I was very close with and at some point she stopped responding. I stopped texting for the most part. But I would message for her birthday and tell her that I hope everything is okay. After a year she came back to me and apologized for ghosting me. She had been diagnosed with depression and started treatment. And she actually thanked me for not constantly texting and asking why she’s not responding as some of her other friends. And now we’re really close again.
    Sometimes friends just need space and when they do, it’s best to give it to them.

  7. As others stated , please do not ever ask someone if “you’ve been ghosted” . If your that set on finding out answers , just honestly ask her if everything’s going alright with her, if she needs anything .

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