I don’t get my nails done I did around Halloween and I paint my nails myself though. And I get more men complimenting me on my nails than women. For example I had a co-worker who kind of flirtatious and I don’t mind it but he said he liked my pink nails especially because it made him want to hold my hand. And I don’t get it is there some sort of weird fetish about girls with nicely done nails.

  1. Probably because it’s a no threatening thing to notice and compliments for something that you did are seen as more positive

  2. Nails are sexy especially those with a lil point to them. Plus they also look good around a well…

  3. I’m whatever on nail polish itself, you know what’s hotter? Watching her put it on. I don’t know there is something so pure about it. Maybe it’s just the traditional feminine nature of it.

  4. Painted nails are fine. Excessively long nails are not. And for me, they are annoying and gross

  5. I like my painted nails, makes me bite my nails less to and I don’t have to worry about breaking nails.

    For girls if they have nicely painted nails, it’s looks pretty and appealing

  6. I think it has more to do with “framing the look”. Little things that are really well done make things pop stylistically.

    For example, at a car show you might see a car with some rust spots here and there. But they’d really done a 10/10 job on the chrome. It makes the car pop.

    That’s not to say their aren’t guys with a thing for nails. I’m just not one of those guys. For practical reasons I prefer my SOs to have short nails.

  7. Hehehe, they’re probably imagining them digging into their back, but they’ll never tell you that 😁

  8. Slightly longer nails is a feminine trait, so it should make sense that men like feminine things on women. No clue why anyone likes painted nails, fake nails, or long nails.

  9. It is just an excuse to compliment you. I don’t think most men care that much about nails unless they have a weird thing for it. I personally don’t like painted nails I think it looks weird. I’m not like put off buy them but if my SO asked my opinion I’d say just get them manicured and be done with it. That’s just me though, I don’t like the look of lots of makeup either. I’m like a tom boy type of guy I guess.

  10. Your coworker already wanted to hold your hand. Complimenting your nails was his way to say that without sounding creepy.

  11. You took the time to do your nails, we noticed and felt we should compliment the effort. Men don’t do their nails. It is like complimenting a guy with a nice beard even if you aren’t into that.

  12. Easy conversation starter. Easy transition for flirting. Most girls love being complemented on their nails. Most guys like it when girls do something that makes them look prettier and shows they put effort on their look. Its just too easy and its so common that im surprised youre surprised about it.

  13. It is one of the few things we feel comfortable complimenting without immediately appearing to be a creep.

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