When do you wash your clothes?

  1. Usually on Saturday afternoons and in the evening during some workday when the washing machine in my apartment complex’ communal laundry room is available.

  2. Are you asking how often? Sheets once a week because I always shower before bed. Towels (tea towels, hand towels, bath towels) I use for three days before washing unless they get soiled then they’re straight in the wash. That’s because I don’t keep towels in humid conditions. If you do you should wash them more often as organic material + moisture results in bacteria breeding more quickly. Clothes I wear two or three times before washing except for clothes next to skin (underwear, undershirts, tights, etc) which are washed after one wear. So like sweater over a shirt I’ll wear three times before washing, unless I’ve been somewhere dirty like stadium seating.

  3. I don’t have enough clothes not to do multiple loads per week. So usually 2 sometimes 3 times a week

  4. I have a lot of clothes .. by design . I have no w&d and get paid monthly so I hand wash panties from time to time or simply don’t wear any and I wash everything else the day I get paid at the laundromat and sometimes if I’m lucky I’ll get a 3 load washer mid month but not usually. Same goes for hubby, I’ll wash underwear for him when I wash mine but we’ve made sure to have enough clothes stored away to last a month . It’s not optimal and sometimes we’re so not fashionable but it’s clean clothes daily so fuck it lol.

    Same goes for towels and sheets. We own a lot of them..to the last a month.

  5. My husband and I put our clothes in the washer as soon as we’re done wearing them most of the time. We don’t wash them until the clothes pile up but that’s usually within a day or so. Lol we don’t have that many clothes. We’re a bit cheap so we have to wash pretty often. But that works for us.

  6. Once a week generally unless there’s something I need washed immediately.

  7. Most days I’m doing something.

    Bed sheets and couch blankets weekly. Child bed sheets twice a week. Dog blankets every other week/shake our hair in between.
    Clothes after wearing. Towels twice a week.

  8. After each wear unless it’s jeans or jackets. And maybe on average twice a week. I’d love to only wash on the weekends but I don’t have enough clothes I like to pile them up like that.

  9. I do laundry once a week. How often I wear something before it joins the laundry pile depends on what it is.

  10. Generally after i wear them. Sometimes right after i buy them but before i wear them for certain thinks like jeans, underwear, bathing suits, or if it has a strong odor to it from the store.

  11. Too much! I have a husband and two kids. When the laundry baskets are about 75% full, I start to twitch. It can be every other day to every day…especially during wrestling season when my one daughter goes through three sets of clothing and a singlet in a day.

  12. Sunday afternoons. I tend to reserve my Sundays as my “do not do anything, do not leave the house, just sit on the couch and fucking VEGETATE” days, so that’s when laundry happens.

  13. I’m the Mom

    I find it easier to just do everyone’s right now.

    However the big kids do know how the machines operate.

    I should do a load everyday

    I sort of do a mini marathon of the weekends

  14. Scrubs every weekend. Other clothes go into another pile, I’d say that pile gets washed 2-3x per month

    Or are you asking wears per item?

    I wear the same bralette for 3 days or so, lounge around the house clothes a few days too unless smelly/went outside.

    Scrubs, running clothes, one wear.

    Nicer clothes get a smell test. Maybe 2 wears, I sweat a *lot*

  15. Usually mid morning. I also tend to put clothes in the dryer on my way to bed.

  16. Usually when my partner runs out of socks, so every 10 days or so. I only wear my clothes once except for pants/ jeans. Sheets get swapped out weekly usually. Blankets get washed when I think about it. Towels get replaced weekly.

  17. Usually a weekend. I’ll clean my room and do any other cleaning while laundry is running.

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