before me and my boyfriend got together, i was so happy and excited whenever he’d be around me or text me and we’d call. but now ever since we made it official, i’ve been feeling more doubtful that we aren’t going to work. but i cant tell if i genuinely do want to be with him, and i’m just afraid of committing (since i usually meet guys, get with them then lose interest) or once again i fell out of love.

i had been feeling like this for maybe a week now and i let my partner know. he kept asking for a reason why i would lose interest but i just couldn’t give him one. he is everything i’ve ever wanted in a guy, but that feeling i had prior to the relationship is so difficult to remember again.

we agreed that it’s most likely commitment issues because i didn’t have a reason to break up with him. so he said to keep trying until a month more maybe and i’ll feel better. but i can feel myself getting exhausted the more i see him, not having as much fun. i know he’s the perfect guy, he’s funny, smart and really cares about me. so i don’t know what’s going on with me.

id feel really awful to work up so much to a relationship just for me to lose interest for a reason i couldn’t list.


ever since me and my boyfriend got into a relationship, i’ve been feeling more doubtful and having less excitement. he says to push through and maybe i’ll feel better. is it my commitment issues or is he not the right person?

  1. Stick it out for a bit longer. You’re just getting used to a new relationship. Many emotions will occur during the very beginning. Things will smooth out soon. I wish you two the best!

  2. Well first I would take a look and see if there is somethin going on that it is causing stress that is reflecting onto your relationship. Next I would look at how long the relationship has been going on, as you may be coming down from the honeymoon phase. As to what you should do that is up to you, but dont feel pressured to stay just becuase you dont have a good reason to break up. That train of thought ends up causing people a lot of pain, heartache, and wasted time as they stay in way longer then they should. Lastly, just cause he’s everything you want doesn’t mean he’s what you need in a long term partner.

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