How does it feel to be a man?

  1. pretty good. having to hold in pee and then letting it all out when you get the chance is amazing.

  2. Well, we’re swift as the coursing river, with all the force of a great typhoon, all the strength of a raging fire, and mysterious as the dark side of the moon.

  3. Feels like you’ve got a sausage hanging of of ya and it gets painfully hard sometimes so, idunno, meaty?

  4. Hard describe when this is the only experience we’ve had. For some of us is the absolute best. Though I personally believe this confidence (great joy) comes once a man starts to achieve his goals. Developing discipline and strength is an absolute glorious experience. Both men and women are really attracted to this. I must say, one must go through sincere tribulations to develop such character.

  5. Kinda like that dream where you’re flying but not sure how. Then because you can’t figure it out, you get so frustrated you try to do too much (waving your arms, kicking your legs) that you start to plummet to your death. But then death never comes. But you just came. Then you just sit there confused…and dirty. I was going somewhere but I seem to have forgotten what I wa-

  6. Overall, meh. It can be hard sometimes if you don’t have someone to talk to about your mental health and you emotions. I’ll be the first to admit every once in a while I just need to have a good cry, I can’t cry all the time else nothing I need to do would get done, you have to know when to be tough but also when to just let it out.

  7. You might as well ask what it’s like to have five fingers.

    I could give you opinions about how I’m treated as a man.

    I could tell you how I feel about they ways society inherently views me as less important than women.

    I could tell you what I think about my needs being seen as expendable when compared to the convenience of women.

    I won’t deny that being 50% bigger and twice as strong as most of the women around me can be beneficial, but when it comes at the cost of triple the demands; I do think I’m getting the short end of the stick more often than not.

  8. Depends.

    A man without a purpose downright sucks.

    A man with one however ( providing for a family, creating something useful for the world, helping those who cannot help themselves,etc) – feels like winning the damn lottery

  9. Annoying. The older I get the more closed off I become. The mixed messages and glaring contradictory/hypocritical expectations today really, really deflate me.

    Although I suppose there’s a freedom I feel by not caring so much anymore.

  10. I feel as swift as the coursing river

    With all the force of a great typhoon

    With all the strength of a raging fire
    Mysterious as the dark side of the moon

  11. I can’t really tell you as I’ve never been anything else. More stressful than being a boy that’s for sure.

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