How do you know you’re just an option to your partner?

  1. Well duh? What else would I be?

    I happen to be *the option that she choose*, and that make me happy.

  2. Lack of commitment, lack of interest in you, avoiding going out, letting you into their lives, and a lot of the more “normal” relationship things.

  3. Would you prefer to be the only option? How would you ever know if your partner really cared for you or just stuck with you because they had no choice?

  4. The same question can be asked how does your partner they aren’t an option to you? The answer is you don’t. You work on your relationship to make it work and if it doesn’t you go along your respective way.

  5. These responses are why I don’t date. No one even seems to understand what commitment is. The second something better comes along they’ll jump ship.

  6. You can usually get a good idea by how the partner acts.

    If they are lazy about the relationship, do not communicate well are hesitant with any physical affection or interaction, it’s very likely they settled and you are not their first choice.

    Alternatively, if they are enthusiastic to see you, excited by your phone call or even text and their demeanor and face just lights up when they see you, it’s likely you are aren’t just an option.

    Most people just ignore fairly obvious signs either way.

  7. By how they treat you, the attention they give you, and how they speak about you when you aren’t there (or even in front of you).

    If any or all os below the par, that’s your answer.

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