In every social group I been a part of, there is people who enjoy making others uncomfortable or angry. This is not an isolated thing it happens with a lot of people,
I myself never got to attach to this groups because I don’t enjoy being around man like this, but it has happen time to time with some close friends. I really don’t understand this attitude, wth is wrong with them. On the other side while I have seen toxic women, I feel this doesn’t happen that often.

  1. It’s called trolling. Men do it more blunt/aggressive but women do it more passive-aggressively both in equal number in my experience.

  2. Negative emotions can be just as addictive as anything else. Anyone can be susceptible to this.

  3. By provoking negative reactions among friends, you train people to tolerate them around strangers. It is not a toxic behavior.

    Friends pointing out the flaws and shortcomings among each other is a valuable social behavior. It keeps people humble; it allows people to experience and understand how others view them in a safe, low stakes setting. And, ultimately, when someone pops off on you with negative intent, you’ve already had experience dealing with those insults and emotions so you can navigate the situation with a more level head.

    I personally think letting your friend walk face first into spicy bantz is more of a toxic behavior.

  4. I know there are a good number of people out there that love to see how easily they can get someone worked up. I’m not really the type except if the person is racist/sexist/xenophobic/etc. I don’t really do it in person though because I wouldn’t find myself hanging out with people that are trying to put others down like that.

  5. Narcissism, egoism, sadism, disrespect, lack of empathy… you name it. I tend to think that is a sign that they were mistreated in their childhood and are unconsciously looking for revenge. Or maybe it’s just the way they learnt to behave.

  6. making fun of others has become a major tactic in people deflecting their own powerlessness or frustration.

    people feel powerless against the system and they want to pick on other individuals cause it’s easier than addressing their own problems.

    and it’s become an easy way to stir people up. people will do anything to “own the _____” regardless of whether it’s in their own best interests.

    when i see someone being a dick to a service worker for example, i know immediately that the person is only expressing their own bullshit. it’s so embarrassing for them IMO, it’s like you are screaming to the world that you’re a baby and the only thing you can do is try to demean others.

    it’s honestly so sad.

  7. Rather take the blunt nature of men in general rather than the generally passive agressive nature of women.

    Worked two summer jobs in elderlycare, and the passive agressive backstabbing of my female co-workers were an absolute nightmare.

  8. If they can’t be happy, noone can. Failure to grow as a person and recognize they are a part not apart.

  9. Usually it’s done in fun and not malisciousness. If it actually becomes maliscious, men usually call it out.

  10. Because if you are guided by your emotional response, and are neurotic in your emotions…

    The reality is you’re bottom of the totem.

  11. Trolls were a thing before the internet. Most of them just migrated here because it’s harder to punch someone in the face through a computer screen.

  12. literally all me and my friends do is talk shit to each other. its called having fun and joking

  13. Hurt people hurt people………….


    As a guy, I’d say not to confuse typical guys being guys, and people who legitimately like to hurt others (emotionally in this case).

    Guys often joke and make fun of each other in small ways, it’s how we bond and kind of open each other up.

    BUT yes, then there are people who are just shitty people and they like to dig too far or intentionally try to hurt others, which… unironically goes back to my top line.

  14. Man I pick on other dudes for fun. I guess that is a part of sadistic behaviour, but I do it mostly for fun, however there are clearly some lads who dig the wound too deep and other people feel uncomfortable. If you see a group of men constantly picking on each other – you gotta understand that this is their comfort zone and they are all ok with it.

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