She wants to feel “in danger” and as non consensual as possible. Choking, leather belts, just aren’t doing it anymore really. Don’t feel right slapping around and shit like that and I can’t really leave marks in her (works in a school and needs Profesional appearence) any tips to really scare her and think she’s really in danger? I’m also going to start a tren cycle which might help the escalation, but I don’t forsee myself getting more aggressive that usual (which is pretty hard as is) we’ve done shit talking, degrading type stuff and went well but she wants more.
Also big fear of her baiting me to use it against me/recording pics of bruises etc with a lie that i beat her. She’s never done that to me, but it’s still a worry. Like, maybe sign a waiver or some shit? Is that a thing?

  1. Blindfold her, and run/ hold the edge of a credit card against her skin, but tell her it’s a knife? You can’t really hurt her, but she gets a thrill.

  2. >big fear of her baiting me to use it against me/recording pics of bruises etc with a lie that i beat her. She’s never done that to me, but it’s still a worry.

    If she’s never done this to you, why is it “still a worry”? Have it happened to you with a previous partner?

  3. You could blindfold her and tie her to a chair and do some sound stuff. Chainsaws are alarming. Just take the chain off. Water boarding is also relatively safe if that’s an acceptable vibe. You can use some heavy duty steel chains to tie keep her immobile for a tactile touch.

  4. >I’m also going to start a tren cycle which might help the escalation

    Make sure your PCT is in order bro, Tren is no joke and it will fuck you up if you don’t cycle properly.

    But yeh this whole thing sounds like something that’s not going to be satisfied without huge risk. Not all fantasies can be realized practically or safely.

  5. Clomid, Nolvadex letro, adex always on hand and used as needed. Doc guided trtbwith blood tests frequently. E2bat my doses usually stay in check (not my first blast)

  6. She’s put herself in uncomfortable positions for me. I’d be a piece of shit ifnindidnt try for her right?

  7. Go to a amusement park and try something like a Ferris wheel or go to a mountain or forest that maybe able to stimulate her if you just change the locations for things

  8. This is a pretty common question (and experience) over at r/bdsmadvice. Check them out for many helpful and detailed responses.

    Generally speaking, whenever you engage in kinky play, you should first (and before you start play) talk through and agree with expectations and boundaries for the experience.

    Kinky play like some of the rougher stuff you’re talking about is wonderful but it can go off the rails in a bad way if you haven’t negotiated expectations and limits beforehand.

    Safe kinky play also requires 100% consent from both parties at all times. Please do not engage in any play you aren’t 100% okay with yourself – even if your partner says they need it.

    Consent always goes both ways. Women are usually encouraged to say no to play they don’t want. Men can and should do the same.

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