How did you know that person you are talking with is a good or bad person?

  1. You don’t. All you can do is watch their actions and extrapolate from there. Words are just words.

  2. Everyone is good until proven otherwise. You have to decide if a person is still good based on your own moral compass then.

  3. Allow them to tell you their opinion before you share your own. Be that about humor, about social issues, etc.

  4. You don’t. All you can do is hope they’re being honest and that they have good intentions until they show you otherwise.

  5. You don’t tbh. You find out after many situations with them have occurred and you notice how they deal/react to it and go from there.

  6. It takes a long time to get to know someone, and even then, they can surprise you. So you never really know. Innocent until proven guilty basically.

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