What should I respond?

  1. “Really? Well I don’t know what to say…. But hey while I got you here, is Emily single?”

  2. Need more context. I don’t know you or her. For all I know, you might deserve it.🤷‍♂️

  3. since this is in text form and you don’t have enough respect to call. “ best of luck in life I wish you well “

  4. That really depends on what you are trying to accomplish. Do you accept it? Do you want to pick at her? Do you want to royally piss her off? Do you want to make a desperate attempt to keep her?

  5. “I’m sorry that you felt like this was something you couldn’t say to my face. Take care.”

  6. I love you. You complete me. Please stay, I’ll do anything. You can’t survive without me. I’ll hurt myself.

  7. Just say “okay” and nothing else, it’ll drive her nuts and give you the power.


    Then walk away and never look back.

  8. “Umm don’t delete my number the condom broke lol on 2nd thought delete my number kthx bye bye lmao”

  9. “This should have been a face-to-face discussion. I agree with your statement and feel the same way. I wish you the best in your future endeavors. Take care.”

    Call her out on the fact she’s choosing to do this over text, but still keep it positive and cordial.

  10. I’ve enjoyed our time together and will cherish the memories we’ve made. Good luck in your future endeavors and god speed.

    Then block her on everything. And hit the gym. Call your buddies and go on a tear.

  11. Hard to say without you mentioning how long you two have been together. 5 years? 5 months? 5 weeks? 5 days?

    If you’ve been together a while, personally I would want to understand why. If less than 6 months, I’d say OK see ya.

  12. “Cool, your shit is just outside the door. Don’t bother knocking” if she has anything at your house.

  13. Nothing bro, I had someone do this to me and I never responded and just moved on. Later on she tries to explain herself through email, “she was in a weird time in her life” blah blah blah. I didn’t really answer, she calls this time and mentions, “what about my nice email”?

    What nice email?

    No space in our lives for people to behave that way. Be a grownup and communicate correctly. It’s not worth you “chasing”.

  14. Just a thumbs up should do the trick. Move on. Someone who throws away a relationship by text is not worth having in your life.

  15. “If that’s how you feel, I’m not going to try and stop you. I would like to know what happened that you decided you need to break up with me.”

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