Me( (17m) and my girlfriend (17f) are in a long distance relationship. Everything is really good. Like when I say that I mean it. Our parents love both of us and support us and we are really in love. We both will be dating for almost 2 years this August. Now, before we used to always be horny thru text, send each other pics, have phone secs, etc. But recently that’s decreased to 0 in the past 2 months. Like before she used to always ask me to send maybe a shirtless picture or sum maybe thrice in 5 days but now it’s just not there. I keep asking her to send something in hopes of the fact that she’ll ask me to send something no but nope. Nothing has been initiated by her for a while. Its always her sending me stuff cause I ask her. And I genuinely feel bad because I feel like I’m begging her and bothering her and that’s not what I want. I tried initiating something today hoping she’ll get involved but she didn’t catch on. Like I was very on the nose. Like I told her I was turned on and she told me she was too a while back and I tried initiating something for call tonight but she just didn’t catch and said she’d send me something. I feel like she’s lost all attraction for me. Idk if I’m overthinking or what.

TL;DR – my girlfriend of 2 years doesn’t seem to ever sexually attracted to me anymore and I feel like I’m begging when I try to initiate something.

  1. Oof. This is unfortunately common in relationships. I’d say stop sending/begging and see what happens, it’s possible that she just doesn’t feel the need to initiate anything when you are constantly doing it. If you cut it off and there’s no response from her then her interest may have moved elsewhere.

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