What’s the most unique compliment you’ve gotten from a woman?

  1. I had a woman enthusiastically say “I really like your balls!” after giving me a blowjob. Must have been the first time she had been with someone who groomed down there. I’ll never forget that one!

  2. “you give me a reason for deep reflection and inspire me with great ideas” ( sounds a lot better in my native language). The best and the most unique compliment I’ve ever gotten since I was born.

  3. She had me saved in her phone as the Mountian. Also, when I had said something about my flab she said ‘no woman is going look at your stomach when she can look at your shoulders’

  4. Sounds kind of cheesy out of context. But I’m a pretty fit guy and powerlift and a girl I dated for a little while that was originally a friend of a friend I was really attracted to within 30 seconds of meeting each other (albeit she was slightly intoxicated at this gala thing we were at) she said something along the lines of “My lord, youre built like Kentucky Derby Horse”! and would regularly call me “stud” when we started dating and that was kind of her “name” for me instead of “babe” or something similar.

    Objectively, it sounds like a wierd comment and cheesy name and it was more of a kind of running joke as she was super embarrassed that was essentially the first thing she ever said to me. 🤣 But as someone who was small and skinny growing up and put a lot of effort into getting fit and proud of the fact I worked to get to where I was.

    So, having someone appreciate that aspect about me and being a primary form of attraction was a big confidence boost and sign of affirmation for me.

  5. 33 white male… was asked for my ID tonight by 2 younger black women while buying smokes and was pleasantly surprised with an “33? Ok! You look good for 33!” I’d be lying if I told you I didn’t blush!

  6. “You’re like a teddy bear I can f…”

    I’m neither hairy or a furry, though in retrospect she might have had inclinations.
    I do however, “maintain a consistent panda bear shape.”
    -John Goodman, *True Stories*

  7. “You’re always so cheerful in the morning. I love coming into work to see your smile”

    Awe thanks, but honestly I’m cheerful in the morning because I’m about to get off work lmao.

  8. “Your dick is like magic” – actual quote. Whatever I have and did, it worked really well for this one particular woman at least. Too bad she was a nutso.

  9. Hmmm my friend went through some therapy after we had a fight. She has some things she needed to take care of.

    Anyways she told me while she was doing that memory EMDR that I kept showing up as a focus point ( a think she said I was the star of it?). Which certainly felt good to say the least.

    She’s doing much better now and though or relationship is a bit strained, I’m hoping we can get as close as we were again. But only time will tell.

  10. girl im talking to right now told me “youre a really good driver and i feel safe in your car” and as a car guy who takes driving very seriously and prides myself in my ability to drive it meant ALOT to me. maybe not my best compliment but definitely the most unique one

  11. That I was comfortable to talk to because they felt I wasn’t threatening. I’m 80% sure they thought I was gay.

  12. I had long hair when I was 21. Some random girl started playing with it and thought it was sexy surfer hot.

    I’m 28 and I’ve been high off that compliment for the last 7 years even though I’m now bald

  13. I was once told I “look handsome in a disheveled and classic way, like a black & white picture of a soldier from the Civil War”

  14. Was hanging out with some friends and one of them got all serious and said “You’ve got a good nose.” Was kinda out of left field but still pretty nice cause it seemed genuine.

  15. My girlfriend complimented my angry face and said she wants to be bad so she can see it.

  16. I like the way you walk. You look like a real man.

    Said to me (29m) by an unknown and possibly slightly unhinged 60 something year old woman

  17. Girl I’m currently seeing said ‘I like your voice, it’s the type of voice that fills a room and everyone notices your presence and feels better for it’
    I melted.

  18. My friend said she liked my demeanor/tone of voice/how I speak. We had met through grad school and she complimented my overall “vibe” and referenced how I rest my chin on my hands sometime and talk with a slow, calm voice when speaking, especially in a small group or one on one. I’m an easy-going person (generally) with a low deep voice and often pause when speaking. Personally I really don’t like my voice, especially in recordings but it’s nice to hear some people like it actually 😂

  19. Hard choice.

    ‘Never change. You’re perfect. If I was going to draw a cartoon character of someone who was like you, you’re exactly what he’d look like.’

    My former partner at work who became a friend so close that both our mothers suspect her son is mine (he is not).


    ‘You’re a rogue. A drinking, smoking, swearing, womanising rogue. I love you for it. Don’t stop.’

    From another friend who is now my wife.

  20. I do IT work and was helping a lady who told me “it must be hard to be smart and so good looking”. It’s stuck with me for years like a happy place to go mentally

  21. She told me that her greatest fear is another girl getting to know me coz she thinks my personality can get any woman to fall in love.

    This made me change my whole approach with women coz nowadays, I don’t even use lines. I am just myself coz I think that’s the greatest hack. I think she gave me the ultimate confidence boost and all my life, I’ll never forget those words, forget to live by those words.

    Funny thing is a guy told me the same thing, that he could never leave me with his gf or cousin for a day coz he thinks they’ll just fall for me without me even doing anything. His gf adored me but I never acted on it coz he was good to me and that would have been the biggest fuck you ever considering he even submitted to that being sth he was afraid of.

  22. I’ve had a few tell me they feel safe around me. I guess that’s a compliment?🤷🏽‍♂️ I don’t get many compliments

  23. I’ve been told many times that I have a great voice, especially on the phone. Fun fact: 18 years ago I was speaking to a woman on the phone to set an appointment with me. She told me later, because of my voice, she washed her hair the day of our appointment.

    She’s my wife now and we’ve been together for 18 years.

  24. “I love the way your mind works”

    “I don’t think you realize how good looking you are”

    “Now I see why you always wear baggy clothes. You would get no rest if women knew you had it like that”

  25. “If I had a nickle for every guy in here as hot as you…🥴…I’d have a nickle!” – Drunk girl at a bar.

    I was super shy at the time (was there with coworkers) so hearing that was a pleasant shock to me!…until her friend showed up right after and said, “Sorry. She’s pretty drunk” and dragged her away. 😕 Lol

  26. Was at a father, daughter dance and my 13 year old put her head on my chest during a slow song. I jokingly told her “your friends are going to see you” and she said “I don’t care.”

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