Hi I know what I am doing is immoral, unethical and probably dangerous, but I didn’t know this man was temporarily separated from his wife until last November, after dating him for 2 years.

I feel I have gone too far in this relationship and invested too much of my energy and feelings, even now after knowing about the lie, I fantasize about our future together, he said he doesn’t have any chemistry with his wife, but I have seen her ( she is successful , good looking).

I know I have to end this but I dont know how, he won’t leave his wife for sure. and even if I stop texting, he texts and calls and asks to meet ( and I always say yes)

Please help me.

  1. What do you mean you don’t know how? You tell him it’s over, and you block his number.

    We can’t do it for you, you have to do it yourself

  2. So block him on anything and everything.
    Be strong and keep reminding yourself that he will never leave her for you and if he actually did, he will cheat on you too.
    You are the side piece, the mistress.

  3. If he actually wanted to be with you, he would have left his wife. He is using you for sex

    Why would you want to be with a liar and cheater anyway , he won’t be faithful to you.

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