How would you feel about the patriarchy being replaced by a matriarchy?

  1. The point isn’t to replace the current system that upholds some and oppresses others with one that switches out who’s on top. It’s to tear down the system completely.

  2. That sounds equally stupid. I don’t want one set of biased views replaced with another. I want equality.

  3. I can answer this because I study history a fuckload and we have seen some examples of Matriarchies in society.

    Martiarchies often either wind up either

    A) Having women do even more work than usual while men kinda just sit around and do nothing or

    B) Wind up weirdly more equal than other societies we have seen with weird tinges of things. Such as that one native american tribe that would have women pull on their husband’s testicles as she gave birth so he would feel the pain she did at giving birth.

    In other words, I’m fine. As a man, I’m either even lazier than before or… not subject to that because I am gay.

    If you’re wondering why I am here it’s because I have a lot of women friends and wanna see women’s takes on things.

  4. Seems like a foolish choice. The point is for all to have equity and equality. I’m not interested in trading one gender power hierarchy for another.

  5. Sounds cool in theory but wouldn’t really work out in practice. Eliminating gender from public discourse about human values is the best bet.

  6. Just sit back and be ogled by women, reverse cat calls? “Shelvery”?

    Now that’s what I cal feminism.

  7. Maybe we should equal it out. Patriarchy has been proven by history that it sucks and I don’t think matriarchy is gonna work either.

  8. Would likely come with it’s own problems. An equitable society that lack oppression is a better goal IMO

  9. The patriarchy doesn’t benefit society. Why would flipping the gender to a matriarchy look any different?

  10. How shitty is the worldview of “if not A, then the only choice is NOT A.”

    There is more to the world than black and white. Good and evil. Rocky Balboa and Ivan Drago. Lawful good and chaotic evil.

    For fuck’s sake, the entire binary choice is its own oppressive decision **that doesn’t need to be made**.

    Read the _Tao of Pooh_ to bring it home in western A.A. Milne–esque easy consumption. Next question, please be moderately interesting. 🙄

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