What lie have you told your SO that they still believe to be true?

  1. There was a purse someone in his family got me that I absolutely hated. I told him I lost it.

  2. He still thinks I like fruit and nut chocolate bars. He thought I liked them when we started dating and I never had the heart to tell him I didn’t. I don’t hate them or anything, he just thought they were my favourite. So I eat them and am grateful to have a partner that does the little things like picking me up a candy bar when he’s thinking of me. We’ve been together for 13 years.

  3. That I love to try whiskeys and bourbons with him – it’s all truly, truly terrible and tastes like fire.

  4. Beauty – i’ve never been open with the amount of effort i put into my beauty routine. he thinks it comes naturally 😂

  5. That my medical procedure wasn’t to remove a polyp but an abortion. Complicated situation that I didn’t want to complicate more, and we had already agreed that we didn’t want kids together. I feel bad about it sometimes but I think it was the right thing to do, much simpler this way

  6. I’ve not lied to him at all that I can remember, not even little white lies. He is quite gullible though bless him so I feel like I could make up some really ridiculous things and quite easily convince him 😅

  7. That I couldn’t tell the difference between my stove top scrambled eggs and his microwaved eggs.

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