Hey all, have a little pickle that I’d like some advice on…

I have a friend Jack (27M) who has been with his girlfriend Hannah (27F) for roughly 7 years or so, and they are such a great couple.

Roughly a month into them starting to see each other (veey early stages but he fell pretty hard for her), we had a party at my ex’s place but Jack couldn’t make it, however Hannah did come. A few other friends came along and towards the end of the night there was only my ex, Hannah, myself and another friend Drew (20M at the time). We all sort of passed out and from my memory we all had a blast.

Well a few days later, Drew had told me he and Hannah had actually cuddled and hooked up (kissed) on the lounge after we fell asleep. He said he had no idea that Hannah and Jack were seeing each other and swore nothing else happened. He told me he had talked to Hannah about it and she said she’d talk to Jack. I never heard anything else about it from either Drew or Hannah and assumed it was dealt with privately…

Well recently we all had a catch up party (we are all still close friends); and at some point during the night Drew pulled me aside to talk to me. He told me that Hannah had brought up that night to him (they were alone having a smoke) and told him she never told Jack. Drew instantly felt 7 years of guilt swell up and felt like he needed to talk to Jack however she told him its not worth bringing up to Jack as it was just kissing.

So here we are; Hannah feels like its not a big deal, Drew feels guilty and wants this of his concious (and still swears nothing else happened), and I feel like a shitty friend to Jack for knowing and never telling him.

Reddit, what do I do? Do I stick my nose into this and tell Jack or do I push Drew to tell him. I don’t know how Jack will react, he is a pretty open guy but having something hidden for 7 years is a pretty big deal.

  1. Stay out of it. Intervening and getting involved in these sorts of situations almost never ends well. Also, nobody can control what Drew chooses to do but he should think about whether his reasons for wanting to tell Jack are just selfish.

  2. Be the example you want to see in the world, I would feel pretty bad if I was around people who knew something went on with my partner and someone else, and to make it worse, those people be my friends.

  3. >what do I do?

    “Speak now or forever hold your peace” is what you should have thought about when Drew first told you. Now you have only one option, so there is nothing to think of.

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