Let’s just say I trusted a woman with a dick pic and she did some snake shit and leak online social media.. and now I got people clowning my small wee wee lol what should I do? I feel goofy everyone clowning me the girls laughing

  1. Own it. Laugh about it. Give him a humorous name and move along. The longer you make a big deal about it the smaller you become (see what I did there?)!

  2. Own it.

    I had some videos and pictures leaked when i was in secondary school, my answer to anyone who mentioned it was “¿Want to see it?”, that, plus me complaining to the nun got everyone very quiet.

    Also, since you are an adult, you can sue the person who did this and the people who keep sharing it.

  3. If you would’ve released her nudes and started a dissing campaign, rest assured you’d be arrested/charged.

  4. I’d involve the police as that’s a crime, see how funny she thinks it is when they show up at her door. Treat it as a learning opportunity not to send dick pics anymore going forward.

  5. Own it, but keep in mind that most women really dont care about size so dont stress it. You’re still gonna get women in the future, you’re still gonna end up getting laid. Life is gonna keep moving forward regardless

  6. In the uk there’s a law against this not sure what the situation is like where you’re from

  7. There are laws about this. Look it up. Sue. Get paid. Ultimate revenge on her trying to take advantage lol

  8. Got two options, lean into and flex how even though it’s small you can atill get your partner off and laugh at the dumb ogres for not able to find the man in the boat. Or let it get to you until you up and leave under a new identity in an unknown small town as a fry cook never to be ashamed again.

    best way to get the last laugh is to go with it. Nobody really continues if you laugh with them, they lose all steam cause then they don’t get off on your humiliation.

    besides, it’ll weed out the size queens and you get to focus on a partner who doesn’t care. Not everyone reaches climax the same way.

  9. Fuck em. Own it. Confidence is key. Hey you might even get some being nonchalant about it lol🤷🏽‍♂️

  10. 0 fucks. If these people aren’t close to you in your life then don’t hold their opinions in high regard

  11. Whenever a woman asks for a dick pic just point out to her that her phone only has a roughly 6″ screen and at best it’s 3″ wide and therefore all she would see is skin.

  12. Own it bro. People stop making fun of you when you start making fun of yourself. Some people thrive off of other peoples misery and if you can counter that with your own humor they’ll fuck right off.

  13. lmao dude small dick and face pic leaked…

    report it to the police. They’ll laugh at you behind your back, but they might actually be able to do something

  14. If you can prove that she has agreed to receiving it, to treat this as something confidential and that indeed she spread it – take her to court and sue the living sh*t out of her.

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