TL;DR Valentines Day is ridiculous. Don’t let it bring you down…

I posted this already in the wrong sub, and it was removed. I hope it’s ok to post here.

For those of you feeling bad about your personal situation on Valentines Day, I hope this helps to put things in perspective…

My wife and I have been married for 30 years, and we’ve had our ups and downs. Relationships are work, and they dont come easy.

My wife is amazing, she’s my Ride or Die. She’s considerate and giving, always looking out for everyone else, whereas I am forgetful, very bad about picking up on hints and queues, etc. For example, I forgot her birthday – I didn’t forget, I got her a gift, but her birthday overlaps with the Christmas holiday, and I forgot to get a card or flowers to give her on the day of her birthday and had to run out of the house last minute. It pissed her off. I’m a dipshit like that, but I love my wife, and I’d move heaven and earth for her.

Anyway, in one of my rare instances of showing a little forethought, I made dinner reservations for Valentines Day to surprise my sweetie. She’s excited, I’m excited.

We get to the restaurant and get our drinks. Everything’s going great. They take our order, we’re chatting. It seems to be taking a long time, but it’s V day. In the past, we’ve avoided dinner out on V day because it’s busy. No sweat, we’re enjoying each other’s company.

Time passes, and still no food is coming out. Really weird. No servers on the floor.

More time passes, and we see an ambulance pull up to the restaurant all lit up. The server comes around and says something about an emergency. The EMTs come marching through the dining room and into the kitchen. A few minutes later, the EMTs are carrying the chef away through the dining room on a stretcher.

The hostess eventually comes around to all the tables and tells everyone that, unfortunately, they have to shut down. They comped us our dinner and sent us away with a gift card. A positive outcome all things considered. We understand that the staff needs to care for each other, and we hope the chef is ok. At this point, it’s been almost 2 hours.

One of the few times my wife and I get to have a special occasion, and it falls apart. We could have reacted negatively. The night could have ended up in disappointment or fighting. But we laughed it off. We enjoyed each other’s company. And we have a great story to tell.

For all you folks feeling bad about V day, please remember that things are not always what they seem and rarely meet the expectations in your imagination.

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