I got my own lmaaooo I didn’t do anything for him this Valentine’s Day because we were broke asf for our anniversary in November but I still gave him this little speech about how I love him and we’ve been through so much (first time parents). He had to travel for work but I texted him some cheesy cute stuff and went to sleep… I woke up to “love you too”💀💀💀💀 yea I’m not doing anything for Valentine’s Day😔 we were broke anyways (I’m in school lol I don’t make a lot of money and tuition is EXPENSIVE) he got paid tho at 9pm ON Valentine’s Day and he told me he was going to the store for calypso lemonade lol I got hopeful… and then I was disappointed🤡 he just got me my kefir I asked for… I don’t think there’s any point in bringing it up but I’ve been cranky all day today… I’m debating arguing about it but it feels like there’s no point😔 what do you guys think? I’ve been short and rude and he left the room all offended lmaaooo wtv bruh🙄I don’t wanna be fighting but I’m kinda really mad… I’ve never really cared about Valentine’s Day but my dad got me chocolate and my mom got me makeup.. I feel so lammmeee🥲 my husband didn’t even acknowledge it lmao

  1. As a husband who has been BROKE as fuck, I feel this. He should have acknowledged it, but maybe he was embarrassed about what he had to offer on this day.

    Your comment about Calypso lemonade hit me hard. My wife used to love the blue ones and I brought her one every Sunday. I remember there was a day when I couldn’t even afford our gas, and I told my wife they were out to save face.

    The “love you too” is a bit rough…

  2. In the end, it’s one day and as long as you both fulfill each other throughout the year, don’t let a “card holiday” define your relationship. Also, speak up and let him know your expectations. Some people just don’t think about things like this. Also you can’t expect someone to know something they were never told.

  3. I am going to preface this by saying my husband is a FANTASTIC man. He is everything I want and need, but he isn’t the most romantic. Planning thoughtful gifts and surprises doesn’t come easily to him, and I’ve learned to be okay with it because he makes me feel so loved in every other way.

    Some people may not agree with me, but I have learned to tell my husband EXACTLY what I want him to do for me. I will create lists of gift ideas for him, and will tell him my expectations of birthdays and holidays.

    It reduces anxiety for him and makes his job easy.

    I think sometimes as wives we will communicate that we aren’t expecting much, and then when our husbands under deliver we are disappointed.

  4. Here I was thinking this was a my husband ate my Val’s chocolate before giving it to me post thought we were married to the same man cuz I just know it’s something mine would do

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