I saw a post on the internet saying that men are turned off my them. Is it true?

Edit: the woman has great personality and is not entitled.

  1. I love a successful woman. Those u heard of that don’t, are most likely suffering from pride issues and lack of success themselves.

  2. …they’re people?

    As long as they’re not smug self entitled cunts, I don’t care what they do or how much money they have.

  3. Ugh yeah. I’d hate to have a wife with a career and passions. Bleh. Imagine coming home to a woman who has a great job and feels important at work.

    I’d much rather marry a woman who loathes her soul sucking entry level retail role.

  4. Depends on the man.

    Personally, what I think of them depends on the individual woman. Being upper middle class doesn’t tell me anything about a person.

    I would date someone with more money than I have, but not if they had much more.

    It would create compatibility issues like one person wanting to do expensive activities that the other person could not afford.

  5. Maybe the question should be.. what do upper middle class women think of men? Because I feel I’m a lot less judgy. I’d love someone who’s educated, smart.. likes to travel.. speaks different languages.. lived abroad.. etc. All of which describes me. You just won’t know it when you meet me. I don’t dress for status.

  6. Depends.

    People generally like partnerships. If there is a large status/earning difference, then i’d assume it may be a bit more challenging to feel impactful in such a partnership.

    How people are socialized is also an influence.

  7. To be honest it makes me feel a little insecure and intimidated. I make about 60k but I grew up poor and I’m absolutely buried in student loan debt and probably will be until im 50 and affording a house is pretty much out of the question. So when I date a woman who doesn’t have all those issues I feel like they are going to look down on me and eventually lose interest. So anyway, that’s a me problem. Not their problem.

  8. Reddit in general hates success. But I would love to find me a successful upper middle class woman.

  9. More power to the women who are successful so long as they’re not arrogant or rude to others about it.

  10. It is a learned turn off.

    Women who are doing better than a man look down on him. Women who out earn their male partners are significantly more likely to end the relationship due to his “lack of ambition” or how he can’t keep up with her life style because on average a woman’s money is hers, not the marriage’s. Whereas a man’s money is both of theirs. Same goes for women with degrees dating men without. They look down on them and treat them as “less than”.

    Women feel like men should be out performing them in order for the man to be worth their time. When this happens and she is moderately successful, the man earning even more and ready to start a family, because he earns so much, doesn’t want her to be working 60 hours a week on whatever it may be and, instead, wants her working to raise a family while he is the one putting in the work that earns enough to support a family.

    tldr: In general, successful women don’t want to be with men who earn less and men who earn more earn enough and don’t want them working a job all day and instead want them raising a family

  11. If I was looking for a sex partner I would not care about her socio-economic placement. If I am looking for a long term partner her socio-economic status matters a lot. I need a women who can have a similar lifestyle to my own. This will range everything from the events we attend, the places we dine, to the time available for vacations. Yes, she will be expected to cover some of these costs if we are in a long term partnership. A girl without an income well above the median household income simply cannot do this going into debt, etc. which I don’t want in a partner.

    Side note: if the women identifies herself by the title on her business card then she is simply someone to have sex with and treat badly as anyone that shallow I don’t have respect for.

  12. Question is so vague as to be meaningless.

    Ok. Here’s the deal. What you are isn’t nearly as important as who you are. Guys make this mistake all the time. “I got a good job, a nice car, but I just can’t find a good woman ” Yes, women like resources. But if resources are all you got, then you’re likely surrounded by gold digging whores. Integrity, hobbies, purpose…these are way more important when finding a long term mate.

    Upper Middle Class? What the fuck does that have to do with anything?

    Maybe, just maybe, if you’ve had a long string of fucked up and failed relationships, you’re the problem. You’re the common denominator. If no person you meet can pass your muster, maybe it’s you. I dunno. Just a thought. But if this is your case, then blaming it on “Oh, they’re just intimidated by me.” is disingenuous at best. Or whatever excuse that puts the problem external. Do the inner work.

    That last was a bit of a rant, but for Fuck’s Sake, I am sick of seeing this bullshit….from men and women.

  13. Like upper middle class in the actual sense, or the way rich people use it to pretend they’re part of the middle class and that their lives aren’t substantially easier than the rest of us?

  14. Absolutely not turned off by success. Sometimes Uber successful people are twats, these people can fuck off.

  15. It’s not the success that turns men off, it’s what comes with it. Many of the women who have it but struggle with dating, lack the self reflection to see what they are doing to turn men off, instead blaming it on men as a defensive mechanism. “Oh men must be insecure, intimidated”…. Etc. I can’t be have issues, after all im successful, it must be them

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