As stated in the title. I’ve moved into a new flat, the tenancy outlined a professional clean however it’s absolutely filthy and it’s clear this has not been done. On top of this, the mattress they’ve provided is soiled, the fridge door is broken and there’s damaged paintwork that was either concealed behind furniture or damaged during the moving out process. I’m so disappointed, but want to understand if there’s anything I can do? To caveat, I still want the flat, but obviously don’t want to contend with it in this state.

I’m going to reach out to the agency, however I’d like to know where I stand and if there’s anything I should ask or say to them in order to get this sorted? Are they required to replace the mattress? And is it unreasonable to ask them to fix the paintwork too? Thanks, it’s my first time living away from home, so this is all new to me.

  1. Take photos of everything, I do mean everything. Send them an email with all the faults asking when they will rectify them. See what happens

  2. Take photos, lots and lots of photos of absolutely everything and email them to the agency. I’d request a new mattress and if the fridge door is damaged in a way that affects the function of it, I’d request a new fridge as well. Personally paintwork doesn’t bother me so I’d leave it, or touch it up myself. But absolutely you need to document the state of the place so you don’t get charged at the end of your tenancy for things that are not your fault.

  3. Remember to take pictures when you move out as well.

    Because they’ll try and take your deposit for “cleaning fees” if this is how they let the flat to you.

    It’s a letting agent scam as old as time

  4. Take photos of everything.

    I didn’t when I moved into my previous house and when I moved out I got charged a fortune for damage that was already when I moved in. Couldn’t afford the fees to go to court so was stuck..

  5. I had a similar situation years ago. The place was filthy when I moved in and the landlord was claiming it had been cleaned professionally so wouldn’t do anything. I called citizens advice and they were super helpful. Told me all the acts the landlord was breaching etc. I sent him a message quoting everything I’d been told and within 2 days he had professional cleaners there and new furniture being delivered.

    I can’t remember the exact things they told me to say, so my advice would be to give them a call in the morning. Communicate in writing only with the agent so you have a paper trail of everything.

  6. Not sure. Even if the contract stated a professional clean, that won’t fix a stained mattress or a broken fridge door, or a new paint job. Landlords don’t like loosing money with an empty property, so unless you have no other choice then I’d refuse to move in until everything is fixed

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