Honestly, idk what to put as title. But there’s this one guy that I matched on dating app, we’ve been out on dates four times, and i enjoyed it everytime. Problem is that he is not big in texting, either he texts first, or i text first, but his response is always curt. Apparently, it’s just how he is (according to him), it is not because he is not interested.

So idk how to tackle this. I’m not a fan of small talks either, but with his curt response, maybe i should just take a hint? Maybe he’s actually not interested and just replying to be kind? But there were times he’d text first or initiate video calls, so if not interested then why?

This has been making me anxious. Should i not pursue him? What do you guys chat about during dating stage?

  1. He may just not be a texter. Some people are like that, if you feel that this medium is that important to you (a lot of people do so it’s not uncommon) ask him if there is any other way he wants to connect with you when you are not together. He may surprise you and say I like to talk on the phone or video chat. He may say that he doesn’t like day to day “catching up” and then you have to decide if you are ok with that.

  2. I text to make plans to see people in person. Or wish them a happy birthday if I can’t see them in person .

    It sounds like his interest has been consistent, especially if you’re going out and having video calls (the next best thing to being in person)

  3. Communicate your needs and negotiate. You said this is how he is. Communicate how you like to keep in touch and make a compromise. Turn the texting into a game like sharing random things about yourselves and having a quick conversation about the random things so he can get used to the increase in messaging.

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