So I am a male 22 years old. I know I’ve been a virgin for several years and its kinda embarrassing, so thats why I made this account.

Today I lost my virginity. I decided that it took me too long so I ordered a female escort. I went to her house after talking to her for a few weeks. We at first smoked weed and then we went to the bed and had sex. I of course was nervous at first, she puts the condom on my penis and she gave me a bj and it felt somewhat nice but not incredible. After that she got on top of me and she rode me. Again, it was okay-ish but not great. I felt my cock kind going limb. After that we tried doggy style and again it didn’t go well, I was trying my best but I was again a little limb. I will admit my technique wasn’t good enough and I was having a hard time putting it in while we were doggy style. I could see in her face at first she was moaning, probably faking it, but later on my technique got worse and she wasn’t even satisfied.We tried again and again but I didn’t feel that good. In the end she said maybe it won’t work and we should try another time. I left without even ejaculating once.

I know this is an incredibly big failure and its embarrassing but please, I want to hear some opinions about this and I’m open to advices.

  1. Every post I’ve seen about people’s time with an escort has been it was disappointing. Same goes for when they lose their virginity. So you’ve got a double whammy. Find a girl you like and learn with her.

  2. Doesn’t sound like you did anything wrong. Seems like you just weren’t into her. Sex is quite enjoyable when with someone that you connect with. Nervousness, anxiety, and all that stuff can impact your erection. Plus, that feeling of “failing” to please your partner can impact your confidence. Keep in mind, sex isn’t always about finishing.

    The big problem I see here, is the pressure you felt to have sex for the first time. There’s nothing wrong with not having sex. There’s also nothing wrong with having sex either. Anyone pressuring you either way is wrong to do so.

    If you end up trying again sometime, don’t be afraid to explain how you feel to your partner, or what you want to try. Don’t get with a sex worker. You know they’re being fake, and that’s probably not going to make you feel more confident.

    You did NOT “fail” at anything. You had a one-time bad experience. And that’s OK.

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