I want to send a (chef’s kiss if I’m being honest) nude to a guy I like. The only issue is I feel a little self conscious about a couple of acne scars on my buttcheeks. I haven’t slept with this guy since November and I didn’t have the scars then.
Do you think this would turn him off?

  1. Minor things like that don’t really matter.

    My only concern is you’re sending a woman’s equivalent of a dick pic.

  2. some jerks will but if he likes you and is a rather normal thinking guy he won‘t care about it at all. I wouldn’t.

  3. By the time we’re at the point of our hearts skipping a beat whenever a snap notification appears on our phone, we’re not looking for flaws. Seriously, he will not care, his thought process will be entirely focussed on the thrill of getting a nude from you.

  4. No. We do not care. At least I don’t. I mean, I’m not perfect either! Who am I to judge?

  5. Never been a problem for me. None of the men I’ve been with even noticed i had stretch marks running down the entirety of both of my legs lol.

  6. Obviously I’m in the minority here but I’m assuming you’re asking to get actual answers and not just politically correct answers.

    I can’t tell exactly what you’re meaning since you call them scars but they weren’t there in November. If it is scars, that is fine – there is nothing that can be done there. If it’s actual acne/pimples, especially if it’s red and flared up, I would absolutely notice it and think “did she not notice this before she sent the pic?” If it’s something that’s going to go away, I would prefer just dont send me pics of your butt until it goes away.

    Again, that’s just me though.

  7. The best looking butt is the one in my inbox. If he’s vain enough to complain about a few acne marks than you are messing with the wrong dude.

  8. NO. A real guy won’t care or notice. If you ever find a partner who complains or criticizes you, find another partner. Life is way too short. 🙂 Hope this helps.

  9. If he’s worth your time, he won’t care. But now I really want to know what a chefs kiss is?! 🤣

  10. Any reasonable person would understand that you can’t help what you look like and there’s no reason to feel self conscious about it. I’m sure he has his own blemishes you haven’t seen yet…

    For me personally, I don’t mind minor skin blemishes and find things like dimples to be attractive. Some women like using photoshop and filters or tons of makeup to hide imperfections, and I find that disingenuous and unattractive when they do it. I want to see some texture, not some fake bs.

  11. I personally don’t mind rough skin, but I know many other people do. It’s shallow considering most of us have skin flaws, but it’s something you should be prepared to be criticized for eventually. If he don’t like it, come find me, and I’ll appreciate your beauty.

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