My SO doesn’t hardly post pictures of me or us. I always show her off considering I have a very attractive SO. She has 1 time in the last 8 months, I probably post us weekly! just curious on other people’s views!

edit: I’m not really looking for answers on my specific situation! I’m looking for a general opinion on the question! I just gave context on my reason so it’s easier for you guys to give your outlook!

  1. I don’t mind, if she didn’t that’d be like having a Lamborghini and not taking pics of it

  2. I have it the other way around.

    I dont post that many pictures and she posts more pictures of us together.

    I am just not that kind of person. I dont feel the need to show off. It is not that I wont do it at all but like a few times a year maybe.
    And my gf pushes me to do it more often but that makes me not do it.

    And you have cases of people posting again and again about their SO. But what is the reason? LOOK HOW GREAT MY RELATION IS. See how happy I am?
    Feels like over compensating or seeking validation of others.

  3. I never mind taking some photos but I don’t usually initiate them. So I’m not sure where I stand on this.

  4. Social media doesn’t even know I’m in a relationship, let alone what my girlfriend looks like. My other half doesn’t even have facebook/instagram/whatever. We have pictures of us up around the house.

  5. Not really into people with an active selfie kind of media presence to begin with.

    But it seems pretty normal these days, no matter how prestigious of a man you are. It reduces the attractiveness of “the brand of me”. There is not much dreaming about her being the followers girlfriend when she regularly shows herself kissing you, being held in your arms and such.

  6. It’s weird if she has no photos of y’all on her socials. Especially if you’ve been dating for long.

    I’ve been on dates where girls would angle their camera on the food to not get me in the pic.

  7. I don’t like posting my pictures online

    Sending it to family and friends is fine , online!! Never

  8. A previous partner once told me it upset her that I never posted photos of us. We broke up a few years ago and even though we’ve both moved on and didn’t keep in contact, I regret not having photo memories of some of the good times we had. For that reason I make sure to take photos throughout the year to document my life and upload them at the end of each December

  9. Listen don’t stress yourself out about this !! I used to be this way until I just left social media alone completely! My last boyfriend wasn’t even on social media like that ! We just take pics of each other through the regular camera on the phone

  10. I hardly post anything. I don’t think that anyone needs to know what me and my family are doing. My wife on the other hand, will not hesitate to upload a lot of pictures and things. If we are doing something, she will want to take 20 pictures to make sure she looks her best, which for some reason, is the one that also makes always me look like shrek. After I figured out that I wasn’t getting the same discretion, I allow two pictures takes, and am done.

  11. As always everything and everyone’s situation is different. Looking at mine and my other halfs ig you wouldn’t know we were married. Not for any reason, we just don’t post.

    Two co workers were dating and he posted her A LOT. But she would never post him. Turned out she was “monkey branching” and didn’t want anyone to know she was in a relationship

  12. Are you dating your girlfriend because she completes you or because you think she elevates your social status by how pretty she is?

    Also, does she post lots of pictures of herself by herself?

  13. My ex only posted a picture of us together probably around the time she started planning on breaking up with me and virtually cheating.

    It’s good to analyze your relationship to make sure it’s healthy, but don’t over-analyze it either.

  14. real life matters. social media does not. dont worry about it bro the way she curates her feed has nothing to do with your relationship

  15. She has no social media.

    If she did, I’d tell her not to post pictures of me.

    I have a mostly-inactive Facebook account that I use to keep up with my D&D group. I do not post pictures of her.

    Posting other people on your social media is rude and a bit creepy.

  16. I don’t usually post pictures of other ppl online, let alone even myself.

    I believe in consenting for such things, and it’s just so much easier if I don’t post so I don’t have to ask.

  17. I could care less if my SO posts pictures of me on socials, or not.

    Personally, I don’t post pictures of her without permission – Too many people posting all sorts of crap out on FB, Instagram, etc., with no consideration given to WHO they’re posting or why, and their privacy concerns that might resolve around it.

  18. i hate it

    if i wanted to post myself online, i would have social media. but i dont. wife and i actually had an argument over this. told her to leave me out of her social media.

  19. I hate getting my picture taken, and I have no desire to post any pictures. Honestly have no desire to post anything on my social media. I use it basically like email.

  20. On a general situation, it doesn’t mean anything a priori. It’s the sum of this issue with other things and actions which shows a tendency.

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