How would you feel if your partner and their ex message sometimes?

  1. Depends on the context of the messages. I don’t mind if a partner were to remain friends with their ex. I would mind if they were messaging inappropriate things to each other.

  2. That really depends. An occasional happy birthday message over Facebook or something impersonal like that really isn’t a big deal. If the messages were flirty or sexual in some way, or my partner was secretive about them – that would be a problem.

  3. In my own relationship with my current partner, that would be a deal-breaker and very weird because we are both explicitly “no contact” with our exes and have been for a very long time, so that would indicate that they were being dishonest about their communication status with their ex.

  4. If my partner is honest with me about them remaining friends – which is great – then I don’t see a problem.

  5. Feels fine. “Tell her hi for me and we’ll grab some food next time we’re in the area.”

  6. My current partner, I’d shut that shit down expeditiously. He doesn’t know how to be friends with women so there’s no way I’d be ok with him being friendly with someone he boned.

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