Honestly, what is wrong with people? Nobody knows how to be nice anymore? Nobody can even pretend to be interested in others as adults do? Nobody wants new friends? Tired of initiating conversations, asking people about their weekends, and smiling more than I normally would. I’m specifically referring to work where gossip is the only form of “meaningful” conversation people want to have. I’ve been wondering what is wrong w me. Am I scary? Maybe, but I’m done making any extra effort to engage. I’ll go back to my bubble. Thanks for reading my lil rant.

  1. Now and days people are all about gossip and not really caring for friendships I don’t know how to help much on this specific request, sorry- though sounds like an toxic in its own way work environment

  2. My bad. There have been some good topics that have been more than interesting. I’m struggling. I love your topics though!

  3. Nearly everyone has either not left their bubble yet and may not even notice or care that they’re in one, or left briefly, it went badly and so they went back in–that’s what’s wrong with people.

  4. You aren’t wrong, people are just VERY dumb and literally the only thing many seem to know to do is gossip and spread rumors about garbage rather than talk about new ideas or anything actually interesting or progressive.

  5. Work sucks. Try to just put up with colleagues and invest more in people you have more of a hand in actually choosing.

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