I, (M, 28) am having trouble approaching this one girl at work who I assume is younger than me but not by much. She looks youthful but her energy and personality is daring, bright and very mature. I look at her all the time and I think she noticed because she added me on LinkedIn a month ago. She added me a week after I thoroughly introduced myself to her at our office holiday party in December 2022. And yet I still have trouble talking to her after the fact.. I am in the office twice a week and she’s always here when I am. How do I approach her without being a creep? Thnx.

\*\*I want to also mention that this is not someone I want to fool around with. Hook up days are over for me. I am very serious about my job and so is she. I feel this magnetic energy between us and some people in the office say we’d look cute together. I’ve seen another co worker of our flirt with her in such a unsettling way. So I don’t want to be that guy who keeps asking her for coffee/lunch when she’s already said no numerous times.

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