My boyfriend (early 20s) has recently gained some weight which I don’t mind at all and it doesn’t bother me. I still think he’s the hottest most amazing person yada yada. However our sex life has somewhat changed. We get down to it a bit less often than we did before but that could also be just because we see each other less. Most of the time now it takes him longer to finish (there’s times when he does cum fast tho), it seems like sometimes he doesn’t get fully hard or loses his erection (he used to be hard around me like 80% of the time even when we weren’t doing anything sexual) and there’s been several occasions when he just tapped out of sex. The only thing that’s changed is his weight gain which he’s working on. I’ve read online that i could be a possible cause of decreased libido but I’m wondering if anyones had actual experience like that. Or could it be that he just doesn’t enjoy sex with me as much anymore?

  1. I’ve been in a relationship like this.

    In my instance, my boyfriend at the time was suffering from depression, which was not only impacting his libido (naturally), but he was also eating more as a coping mechanism. He was impacted even more when he was prescribed SSRIs.

    Sometimes stress can be a result of this as well. I’m not a doctor, or a psychiatrist – but I believe that stress can also impact libido. Some people are also stress eaters.

    I guess my answer is, there could be many possibilities to this. I hope all works out well for both of you in the future! 😊

  2. Cardio is the better thing I know for good sex drive, erections, etc (aside frim chemicals).

    How is he feeling mentally? Could be stress, anxiety, depression (cardio can help with these things too, better if he does outside to feel the benefits of the sunlight).

    Sorry my english sucks

  3. Testosterone is converted into estrogen in adipose tissue (fat). The more fat you have, the less testosterone. Testosterone is very important for libido both in men and women. Hopefully he gets fit and it comes back to normal.

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