My boyfriend and I have been together for almost a year and a half. We have a happy relationship and havent had much problems. He’s a very friendly guy and loves partying, especially when he goes back to his university in Melbourne.

He is currently on a break and will be heading back next week. My mum does not really trust him and decided to ask her friend to help her talk to a psychic regarding my boyfriend. The psychic said that he loves me but has a lot of side chicks that he sleeps around with.

My boyfriend is a good person and I am set on trusting him, but I have a nagging feeling that the psychic was right. I dont know if I am just being paranoid as he will be going back to University soon or if my instincts are telling me something. Btw, this psychic did two other readings for my mum’s friends and was spot on.

I really dont know what to do and I have already talked to him about it but he swears he would never do such a thing.

Tl/dr: My mum asked a psychic about my boyfriend and was told that he cheats on me. Who should I believe?

  1. Look, I don’t want to call you and your mom stupid, but c’mon. You got scammed. Psychics aren’t real. This one just played on your fears, like they all do. Hope this guy dumps you, who wants to be with someone who makes relationship decisions based on a con artist?

  2. Your mother is insane and is using a psychic to gaslight you, assuming she even spoke to whoever this psychic is. Psychics are scam artists. They are not real. So either the psychic picked up on the fact that your mom doesn’t like your boyfriend and ran with it to tell her something she wanted to hear, or your mom is making this up to interfere in your relationship.

    Either way your mother is actually both a stupid and insane person and the fact you’re even here asking if her psychic could be right says you’re not super far off your mothers lack of sanity and intellect tbh.

  3. Stick a potato under his pillow to absorb the evil cheating energy. Then bake it to purify him. Make sure you also have chives, bacon bits, sour cream and cheddar cheese, that’s important.

  4. Who do you believe?

    Not the performer who your mother pays to tell her interesting stories that validate her preconceived ideas about the world and her dislike of your BF, that’s for sure.

    You may someday get cheated on. Lots of us do. Lots of people who want to cheat, get away with it for a while. The psychic will not know it, now or then.

    Don’t let your mother control you with her pay-to-pay magic friend.

  5. Ten bucks says your mother made this whole story up because she doesn’t like you dating this guy.

    Ignore it.

  6. Honey, if you are asking

    >Should I major in A.I or Data Science?

    … then surely you are smart enough to know psychics are bullshit

    Psychics are a kind of ChatGPT, they just throw back answers based on what you say, that sound convincing but are not based on actual knowledge.

  7. Don’t blow up your relationship because a shady huckster cast a magic spell, you incredible buffoon.

    > I really dont know what to do and I have already talked to him about it

    oh god

  8. The friendly psychic can tell you a lot of magical things when your mom whispers those in her ear. Maybe look into how psychics work, as it’s more how they question things to guide you to a conclusion than actually knowing things. Meaning you do the hard work for them.

    If you can’t stand long distance and you feel distrustful, then end things. But you have no clue for his infidelity, except your mom’s psychic. You’d solely be ending things because of you. It’s not something you could hold against your mom or her psychic if you break up.

  9. Honestly I’d break up with him so he can find someone who’s not looking for a reason to accuse him of cheating, good lord.

    If my mother said that my spouse was cheating because a psychic told her it was happening, I’d need to be taken to the hospital for laughing so hard I hurt myself.

  10. I’m a “psychic too” /s, and I sense that the only way this can be true is if your psychic is one of his side chicks.

  11. If you instantly believe someone pretending to be a psychic over your actual experiences with hm, just break up with him now because you do not trust him and you’re wasting each others time.

  12. A psychic told me sister she wouldn’t get a degree and wouldn’t last with her bf. She has a college degree and is married to him with 3 kids. Some ppl are AH. Also maybe your mum doesn’t like the guy and made this all up or has a bad feeling about him…

  13. “Psychics” do not have psychic ability. Telepathy, mind-reading, ESP, whatever – do not exist.

    What “psychics” have is the ability to detect verbal and behavioral cues from the people they’re “reading” (your mother in this case), and extract information from them….and do it in a way that you are not aware of it.

    The “psychic” then uses this information to tell a compelling story. The story is more believable if it includes what the person wants to hear in the first place.

    If the “psychic” thinks your boyfriend is cheating, it’s either because 1) your mom thinks your boyfriend is cheating, 2) the “psychic” thinks this will get your mom’s attention and cause her to spend more money for additional “psychic” readings.

  14. time to go limpia on his ass: gotta rub an egg on his face to absorb all the bad spirits then throw the evil egg at the psychic who is scamming your mom

  15. Honestly, if I were your boyfriend I’d break up with you. You don’t trust him. If you are willing to question your entire relationship at the slightest suggestion from someone who doesn’t know either of you then what good is your relationship? Seriously. You need to grow up and probably seek therapy.

  16. A lot of responses are kind of cruel, calling you and your mother stupid, which to me isn’t exactly productive criticism. Here’s the deal: in all honesty and frankness, psychics aren’t real. No, they don’t have the ability of seeing the unseen and no one does. Your mother asked the psychic a yes/no question, for which the odds of getting it correct are 50/50; pretty good odds really but they can equally be *completely wrong*. Add to that the fact that they fish for information about the situation in order to make an educated guess, can tip the odds. LDR boyfriend? The psychic made a bet that he’s cheating, but does the psychic *know* that? Absolutely not. They don’t know that any more than they can guess what tonight’s lottery number is. If you have reason to suspect, talk to your boyfriend. Forget the mystics, your mother, and any other middleman.

  17. So, you’re in a relationship with a person you trust? But, you’ve let a psychic question your position?
    I’m hoping this is fake and that you aren’t serious. If you are, please free your boyfriend, because you have a bigger problem.

  18. Thanks for the awakening people. Re-reading my entry made me realise how stupid this was. Keeping this up so I can remind myself if I start to question myself again

  19. You should break up with him so he can be with someone who isnt going to believe a lunatic saying theyre cheating?

    Answer me this. Why are physics dealing with inane shit like that instead of predicting the lottery?


  20. Forget about the psychic.

    Sometimes hearing something outloud gives us a gut instinct of “that’s true” or “that’s not true”

    If you feel that he’s cheating you you should consider why you feel that way.

    Ate there good reasons to believe it? Or is it your insecurities?

    Either way you should be mindful of your feelings and where they come from. And once you figure that out you should talk to your bf about it—even if it comes from insecurities.

    And okay accepting that you believe in psychics—you don’t even know that this psychic said that. Your mom who doesn’t like your boyfriend is saying the psychic said that. And even if the psychic did say that—seems like a reading would be less accurate without talking to the person they’re doing the reading for.

  21. If you live your whole life based on shit a “psychic” makes up, you’re going to make only bad decisions. Seriously, you’re being ridiculous right now.

  22. The only thing this whole situation should be convincing you of is that you can’t trust your mother.

  23. Haha I did the same thing once when I was your age- ended up being true!

    But regardless it’s normal to be anxious when your partner’s away, don’t think there’s anything wrong with you for being a little doubtful or doing something like consulting a psychic because you wanted to ease your worries. Honestly probably one of the tamer things you could do considering the lengths others have gone to to “catch” their partner in a lie or something. Especially with your mother urging you to do this instead of providing you with the peace you needed — I can understand your panic.

    Just talk to your boyfriend about what it was like while he was away, if anything’s happened at all you’ll notice a change in him. But really try to ease your mind about the whole thing. It will be okay.

  24. Generally psychics wouldn’t let your mom ask about your relationship. I’d believe it if the psychic told it to you directly

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