I could never masturbate before. I have tried quite a few times in 2022 but it never worked. I can get erections but I can’t reach the orgasm. I get wet dreams (I know it’s very confusing) for about a half year now and I’m 100% sure it’s a wet dream because my underwear is is drained with white stuff and if I pull back my foreskin after I wake up then it’s full of this cheesy white stuff. Right now I’m 14 (M) and becoming 15 this year. I think I got a low sex drive or just simply don’t know what type of porn I like. Any advice would help.

  1. Bro same thing happened with me I masturbated first when I was 16 give it time … I used to stress so much but just give it time

  2. Not really the subbreddit for this.

    You just sort of stumble upon it playing with a boner and find what works naturally. I think I was a little late.

  3. The foreskin has some glide to it so that is how most uncut guys…you know. I can’t give you more than that. I didn’t feel sexual attraction until maybe 15 so don’t force it because it is harder when you are tense or stressed. If one technique doesn’t work, switch.

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