How’s this look to the hive mind? Mainly seeking to see what energy/vibe my profile gives off and of course any suggestions.

Not in photos:
Height: 5’10”
Kids: Have none / open to children (probably not wanting my own bio children due to my age not because I don’t care for kids, but would be open to someone who already had children)
Drinking: Social
Smoking / Weed / Drugs: None

In general, I like to get outside, be active, eat healthy/cooking, and live a general healthy lifestyle. I enjoy ballroom dancing (been doing that for awhile) and just started taking hip hop classes (total beginner). Of course enjoy travelling too.

Seeking someone who likes being active, outdoorsey, versatile and likes trying new things. Don’t need to share all the same interests, but having one or two shared active interests is nice.

Profile: [](

Alt Photos: [](


  1. There’s nothing wrong with your profile, but it gives the impression that you never spend any time indoors and wouldn’t be cool having a relaxing night in cooking or watching TV with a partner. If that is accurate, then mission accomplished!

  2. I think it’s going to attract the sort of person you’d probably mesh well with and put off everyone else. You seem very put together and very active, which will probably intimidate anyone who isn’t those things.

  3. Homebodies might find it intimidating, but that’s not your target audience. I’m not single but if I were, your lifestyle is 60% in line with mine. It seems a little adhd – jack of all trades master of none, but this way find shared similarities with someone. No kids here, I’m obsessed with rock climbing…. my mom is obsessed with ballroom dancing… I’m always behind at work so you can do your own thing too in the activities I don’t enjoy. I always meet everyone (my right swipe % was 48% vs most women at 7%) & check the vibe in person but most women don’t.

  4. It seems like people aren’t understanding your humor, or lifestyle. Don’t tone your profile down! It’ll weed out the folks who can’t hang with you. I actually kinda want to slide into your reddit DM’s haha.

  5. Jeff, your profile has no red flags. I’d like to see a little more emotion, not necessarily passion, but human emotion.

  6. I’m 41f and I would like your profile if you were closer. I’m naturally an outdoorsy active person and I think it’s good you’ve listed it there so you can find someone likeminded, Because of who I am I wouldn’t connect with the opposite as in someone who enjoys staying home and watching Netflix as their main hobby.

  7. I see a lot of people saying that his profile is too adventurous for the average person, but if this is actually who OP is then he should totally leave the pics up. The goal is to find a good match, not just a ton of dates with women who are not intimidated by a super active lifestyle.

    This is coming from someone who is a true homebody and specifically looked for a partner who was the same.

  8. Ugh, why are all the intriguing ones in the US?

    I don’t see any issues. You’re looking for someone motivated, and that’s awesome. I’d swipe right.

  9. I would swipe right on this, and I am extremely picky.

    I find you very attractive, your wardrobe looks okay and the way you formulated the text implies that we’d be a conversational match (a rare thing for me).

    Depending on what you are actually like, in person, the text could potentially be worked into a much more impressive and information-dense form. However, it’s already good enough to get you a like, and the rest could be determined via chatting and a date.

    My only complaint is the cliché hand gestures in the last photo, but I’m weird about that stuff and most women aren’t bothered by it, so don’t listen to me. 🙂

  10. I think it’s a strong profile in that I get a solid feel for who you are and what you care about. It’s a lifestyle that doesn’t suit everyone, but I think it would absolutely attract someone you should have base level compatibility with. Good luck!!

  11. Some people tell you that you are too adventurous. I would say “no.” Don’t change your photos unless you are looking for a lady who only wants to be indoors. I am super into biking, skiing, climbing, hiking, kayaking, canoeing…etc. and I would say your profile is perfect. The reason that I am with my current partner is that he loves skiing! And we would bike and hike too.

    However, I would say change your tone a bit about “What I will fall for you…” A growth mindset” and “challenging your belief ….” sounds a bit weird…also send out a bit of narcissist vibes. I am very into outdoor and knows some guys who are too competitive in nature, and that’s a big turn-off. Yes, I love to hike for 6 weeks, but I don’t want to go out with someone who only values “challenges.” I would change to, “someone who loves outdoor and enjoys nature.” this sounds a bit more natural.

  12. It’s funny because I’m normally pretty sensitive to the “this guy is waaaay too outdoorsy” thing other comments are mentioning, and I actually didn’t get that vibe from yours. It actually seems balanced to me, with a couple good photos of you just sitting at coffee shops or restaurants, and the board games thing and the Blue Apron joke at least open up the possibility that you can do low-key as well.

    I think you’ve already selected the best photos, though. I wouldn’t use any of the ones from the alt bunch.

    I don’t know, I think you come off pretty well. Like, even though I can tell I wouldn’t likely be that compatible with you, if I came across it for real I still think I would pause over it and lean more yes than no.

  13. If I didn’t have a type, I would swipe right. Your pics are great and answers are on point. Ignore the comments that said it’s too intense for regular people. Like it common sense you bike and does trails on your leisure time, not encompassing your whole life. Good for you.

  14. I’d swipe right on you right away but my next move would be to try and joke with you to see if you can banter, and then to see if you’ve got a creative side.

  15. Do not downplay being outdoorsy or active. It showcases your interests very well and the right person will mesh with you. If someone who is a homebody is intimidated by how active you are, well, they were most likely not a good fit anyway.

  16. You seem adorable, honestly, with no red flags at first glance. You appear to be super outdoorsy and adventurous. I feel like you’d prefer to attract people with similar interests as you. I wouldn’t change much.

  17. As a fellow cyclist and dancer (lindy hop / blues / fusion), you got to get some dance pics on there!

    Yes, some women would be put off seeing you dancing with other women, but then again, that’s not a bad thing considering this is a part of who you are.

  18. As a 30F, I personally think your profile is great!

    I believe you definitely fit the bill for a lot of women. I don’t think you are too outdoorsy/adventurous at all. Having photos of how you like to spend your free time shows authenticity and filters out the women who don’t enjoy those things, which is great if you want to do these activities with your SO in the future.

  19. Your profile is great! I wouldn’t lead with the picture of you in the coffee shop though – I think one of the outdoorsy pictures should be your first photo. The photo of you in the red/maroon photo you look a lot younger (?) – could just be the angle but if it’s an old picture I would leave it out.

  20. It’s an excellent profile.

    Keeping it light and cheeky in the text, providing many pictures with different angles (full body and up-close); I know the type of partner you’re after by the end of your profile. Anyone who’s not a fit won’t reach out to you and that’s a **good thing**. Always go with quality over volume and don’t let anyone convince you otherwise.

    As always, I will recommend that you date outside of apps as well, but I recommend it to everyone.

  21. I find this kinda fascinating because on gay Tinder/Hinge/etc, this would be a pretty typical profile with no problems at all, and I’d expect men to swipe right often. I would probably, though I’m not as active at all and definitely won’t look so good when I hit 40 in a couple years.

    I say stick with it, though maybe a bit clearer photos of you biking etc that is more focused on you than the surroundings. If you do change anything, you always have a say in swiping as well, and chemistry is key anyway.

    I give this one a thumbs up.

  22. I’m an outdoorsy, adventurous person too. I would be on the fence about your profile only because most of the text doesn’t strike me as very original. Each one follows a kind of formula that I’ve seen before. The profiles that really stand out to me are the ones where someone manages to write something that truly stands out.

    I always find the simple pleasures prompt a bit boring for some reason – who doesn’t like ice cream?? Having a growth mindset prompt feels like I’m reading a self-help book. The style of the last joke doesn’t land for me. Too exaggerated. My experience with profiles like this is that I expect that if I swipe right, we end up having a pretty boring stereotypical conversation that doesn’t go anywhere.

    Two other things I was always looking for on OLD was people who could make me laugh pretty early in the conversation, and people who clearly indicated the values and qualities that they were attracted to. The growth mind-set part kind of hits that note, but falls short due to the kind of cliche-ness I mentioned above.

  23. I’m not going to read through all these comments, too many, so sorry if I repeat any.

    First thought was, wow he looks like 3 different people in these photos and I’m not sure who I’d be getting. Are they all recent photos?

    Second thought is that this profile reads too much like my CEO’s pep talks. When I’m off work I don’t want to hear the phrase “growth mindset” as something to aspire to. Take the time to get to know me and see if we align, don’t treat me like your marketing team meeting.

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