So I’ve had a lot of unfortunate situations in dating and relationships. Recently got out of a toxic fling a month ago. This guy I’m taking to now found me thru Facebook which is odd. But there’s a lot of things in uncomfortable with, which a lot I’ve expressed to him. He’s 29 and I’m 24 btw.

He just got out of a 9 year relationship 4 months ago. His socials have her all over them and when I brought that up he said “I’m not good with change”. He said she cheated on him etc. He also would double text me all the time when he knew I was super busy because I’m applying to grad school and able to go out of the country.

He also told me he is pushing away his feelings from his last relationship and just numbs it away because that’s how he was raised and how men are. He lives at home, works in construction. I don’t think he has any degree. He drinks every weekend. Doesn’t workout. Doesn’t go to therapy. He follows a bunch of OF or half naked women on his insta.

But he’s very nice and wants to take me to a hella fancy restaurant tonight. He wanted to take me on valentines but I said no because that’s too much for me. I’ve told him I can’t be in a relationship rn and that things have to more very slowly. But I feel like that’s not what he wants and it’s making me uncomfortable. He’s talked about how he wants kids soon and I don’t want that. Nor do I want to talk about that rn. We’ve only been texting for a week.

I don’t want to go on the date but also I feel bad but then I do want to go? Idk what to do

  1. Yes. You can’t let fear win. You don’t want to die alone simply because you didn’t at least try

  2. Why would you think you nerd to force yourself to go on a date with this loser? He sounds terrible, an admitted cheater, you don’t want a relationship, he’s not over his ex, he isn’t living independently, he wants things you don’t, do I need to go on?

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