I (F26) am dating a guy (M29) for 2 months now. We are both looking for something serious, have similar values, and we have a lot of fun together. He is exactly what I’m looking for in a man.

However, the sex has been difficult for me. His dick is on the bigger size. Penetration is always complicated and sometimes too hurtful to even continue.

I went to the doctor to see if I had any infection causing the pain. Everything is good. We put lube. We try having long preliminary. He is very open to everything I ask him sexually and he is not putting any pressure, but the problem is still there and I’m starting to feel really bad about it.

I’ve had other long term partners before and had frequent sex without any problem.

I’m planning on going back to the doctor to investigate more, but is it possible that my vagina and his penis just don’t go well together? Did anyone experience something similar ? Any advice is welcomed!

  1. My ex husband was quite large, and sex was always painful – even with lube. I didn’t have anything “wrong” with my vagina either, but my doctor sent me to physical therapy. It made a HUGE difference! I highly recommend it.

  2. I’ve been on the other side of this situation. I was seeing a cute Chinese exchange student for awhile and it was a little bit of a struggle. We took a lot of time sexually adjusting to each other (maybe a month). Eventually things were good, but sometimes I feel like she opted to give me blowjobs because being filled at her size physically exhausted her and probably caused soreness afterwards. We’re not together anymore, but this could def impact a long term relationship.

  3. There may be some exercises you can do to make your cervix more….malleable? That’s probably not the right word but there’s probably some stretches and exercises that can help.

  4. It’s ok to limit PIV sex. Many other options for sexual activity are available if you want to stay together.

  5. from what you’ve written you’re making this decision just based on this one factor. You say he’s nice and also willing to do something about this problem. You also seem to have everything you want in a man.

    So are you willing to let go off someone who’s trying to work on the problem too just because of this factor?

    To me sex is an important part of a relationship but along with many other and sometimes more important things. So if this is a dealbreaker for you then you should really have this conversation with him as soon as possible as it’s not really his fault. Besides you both are then wasting time

  6. You’re definitely not the only woman who has broken up with a guy because they didn’t fit conveniently. It makes sex a huge hassle, and at least in my case, a mismatch for my sex drive. I want to be able to have sex without having to deal with unreasonable pain and misery during or after. It sounds like you’re just incompatible, as unfortunate as that is. It doesn’t mean there is something wrong with you.

  7. If you keep at it you can get wallered out a little bit and also learn to relax the muscles more. Takes dedication

  8. Any girls please message me I have a. Similar issue and would like some advice if at all possible

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