So my (27M) GF (27F) doesn’t talk during sex, her brain kinda shortcircuits and she just moans and screams, etc. Now, this might sound like the opposite of a problem, but the thing is I’d like to pleasure her more, but I can’t get her to tell me what she likes more (eg. does she want it faster, slower, does she like one position more than other?) I’ve tried talking about it with her after the fact, but she just says she likes everything too much and she really can’t tell.

Any advice, or am I making a problem where there really isn’t?

  1. Some women just aren’t good at saying what they like. I’ve dealt with the same with my wife for over 30 yrs. I ask what she likes wanting to do more for her and get the reply, you know what I like. So I just keep doing what I do since she must enjoy it and it’s what she wants.

    I wouldn’t stress about it, she sounds happy with what you so I would just keep at it.

  2. Why not have a poster board with big colored squares that she can point to while you are driving Ms Daisy to pleasure cove? “What do you want baby!” *She slaps “STFU & Carry on” square repeatedly…😂

  3. If you’re coming at this from the standpoint of wanting to pleasure her more, seems like there is not much to be done. As long as she will be vocal when she doesn’t like something, which is much more important. She’s giving you the steering wheel, so just give her a great time the way you know how.

    If you’re asking reddit because you personally enjoy having communication during sex, sounds like foreplay would be where to have it, before you bring her to a moaning frenzy.

  4. Well, in a relationship this is where you begin to trim that slippery slope of thinking that you were doing something for someone else. But in actuality you’re doing it for yourself on behalf of them.

    You want your girlfriend to feel more pleasure. But your girlfriend did not ask you to give her more pleasure. And has expressed that she doesn’t know anything that she wants you to do.

    If there’s something sexually that will get you more pleasure than you should express that to her. But you shouldn’t place an expectation on her that isn’t her own.

  5. Some people just go to another plane in the heat of the moment and it’s difficult to get anything coherent out of them. This is a good thing; I’d take pride in the fact that you can get her to that place.

    But if you want to do better still, it can be frustrating. Part of it may be that you’re coming at it from slightly the wrong angle; rather than asking her what she wants, suggest things to her instead (have a look around this subreddit for ideas); but phrase it in a way that still makes it sound like you’re in control, e.g. “I bet you’d like it if I [X]”; it’s a simple yes/no question that she might just be able to answer through the haze of pleasure, rather than expecting her to give you a descriptive sentence.

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