How do you feel in a crowd of people?

  1. Nervous and anxious.

    I hate crowds. I don’t like people touching me, the smells and sounds are overwhelming, and it puts me on edge.

  2. Anxious. I was diagnosed with an anxiety disorder and autism in elementary school, and crowds are one of my triggers. They make my stress levels skyrocket.

  3. Really happy if it’s the fun crowd. If not, it just is what it is. I’m pretty much always fine

  4. I don’t like it at all, but I can deal by myself.

    Having my kid with me in a crowd makes me anxious. I’m aware of how easily a child can be snatched and disappear into a crowd. So I keep him close if I have to be in a crowded area with him.

  5. If I’m not near an exit, I’m ready to panic a bit. I’m ok with crowds as long as I see when I have the opportunity to also escape them.

  6. Depends on where I’m at and who I’m with, but mostly anxious. I start looking for ways to leave.

  7. Sometimes I feel like the most energetic person in the crowd, smiling to everyone. Sometimes I want to get the f out of there

  8. Kind of edgy, but also weirdly tempted to undo my tearaway outfit to reveal a feathered bustle and do the samba in front of everyone. It’s kind of like when you’re standing on a bridge and feel the impulse to do a swan dive into the freezing city river that smells like despair and factory runoff.

  9. Feed off the energy. Concerts where everyone is having fun? Hyped. Supermarkets before a storm? Stressed.

  10. It depends. If you mean surrounded by people, I don’t mind. If you mean being part of a large group (having people looking at you and all that), then… uncomfortable. And I teach at university lol

  11. It depends on the place, time and the crowd itself
    I either feel safe, energized and joyful or drained, overwhelmed, stressed and want to go home asap

  12. I dislike crowds and feel uncomfortable spending too much time in one. Sometimes it’s unavoidable and I’ll deal with it, but I’d definitely prefer to have lots of space.

  13. Depends on who the crowd is. If it’s family I love it, if it’s strangers I make a getaway asap.

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