This is in general, regarding everything and anything.

  1. Instinct – yes, because it comes from experience.

    Assumptions – no, because they are often (in my experience), based on prejudices and insecurities and can be proven wrong.

    I’m open to taking chances, but it depends on what’s at stake. But some things are better as informed decisions.

  2. Always. My family has learned to absolutely trust my intuition on places and restaurants after several bad experiences.

  3. Never. My “instincts” are messed up so I tend to make massive mistakes if I follow them. I use logic while taking my feelings into account.

  4. Instincts – rarely, but I wish I did more often.
    Assumptions – too often, I wish it was more rare.
    Take a chance – once in a blue moon.

  5. My instinct comes from experience and common sense, so I trust it, unless I’m somehow able to take a chance that comes with a lot to win and nothing to lose.

  6. I rely mostly on instincts. Relying on assumption and chance would not be options for me. For me to “rely” on something, I would need to have assurance. I may “take” a chance or “make” an assumption but “rely” would not be the right term

  7. I use them to guide me but never as a decider. I try to question why I have that instinct/assumption/gut feeling and if it’s not justifiable, then it’s not going to factor heavily in my choices.

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